Collage by zimadazoocat


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hey I'm lexee:)
what's up:)
same here, you're really pretty btw!
aww thanks:)
tell me about yourselfff:))
omg hahaha, well I can relate about the parents my parents are so controlling but besides that I'm an only child I love sloths not sure why but they are adorable, I love clothes and shopping but I have no money, bahaha and my life is just pretty basic ig
ugh same tho, my dad left because he didn't like me and my mom and now my mom takes it out on me
why don't your parents like you?
aw I'm so sorry:( *hugs you* if you ever need a place to stay you can always come over to my place:))
ooo that's sounds super fun *laughs*
wow aren't you super lucky
I'm gonna have to come stay with you some time
*smiles and waves* the bxtch is called lexee:))
*smiles* well isn't he a dime! *says sarcastically and laughs*
i've noticed.
yeah lmaô?
don't die!1!1