Thx but I know my freinds will defend me


Thx but I know my freinds will defend me

13 0
ok and
out of all the people on here why did u decide to attack me huh out of all the people 🙄🙄
idk u caught my eye with your ugliness that's how bad it is
heck yeah I will protect my friends from jerks!😀
thx 😂
well I got friend cause I'm pretty lol unlike some plp
why is your profile pic a image of you holding your phone?thats pretty stupid👎
ok just stop you anorexic bîtch
boi u re-arded I'm taking a pic 😂
hey wuvbadbaes shut your mouth
I'm prettier than u so chill I'm just telling da truth
actually I am so.... stop 😭
you have an issue bruh, go back to your ugly inside and leave us alone!
no just leave me alone you bîtch
u a lil whxre wanna be
😂 this s fun
suck a di-do
go fûck yourself cause I don't have time to listen to you
wuvbadbaes shut up you half naked piece of shît
I already f myself that nothing new lol child
eww the smell of wuvbadbaes. gross I need a gas mask I am losing air!
you are the worst person ever I will now refer to you as mrs trump
yum 👅
For wuvbadbaes: Shame on you!
hey wavbadbaes you need to shut up emojigirl is my friend if your gonna mess with her u have to get through me first
u should start acting ur age
wuvbadbaes I don't know what corrupted your mind to make you such a piece of $#}\
but whatever it was must have been pretty bad because u r worse than Andrew
No wonder wuvbadbaes has less followers then emoji girl.
wuvbadbaes p, you, have 243 followers, on PIC COLLAGE get a life, go on twitter or something, at least we won't have to deal with you and your desperate a**