But gUyS: What if Mikasa, Bishamon, and Erza Scarlet fused together?! Fusion wouldn't be that cheap anymore, huh Jasper???😏✨


But gUyS: What if Mikasa, Bishamon, and Erza Scarlet fused together?! Fusion wouldn't be that cheap anymore, huh Jasper???😏✨

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omg Sakura that would be the most terrifying person to ever exsist
Let's not forget to add mini peridot in there too. The most feared gem in history. She called Yellow Diamond a Clod!!!! 😱
@royal_rinsharks //SHE WOULD BE DICTATOR!!!!!!πŸ˜‚
@maniac_lover //Yes Mini Peri can fuse with them tooβœ¨πŸ‘
omg run for yo life because you gonna die if you make her mad πŸ˜‚
If you steal her cake gOOd luCk m8!πŸ˜‚πŸ‘
Oh my god what if Yuno fused with them 😱
idk if you guys know Dangan Ronpa, but I'm thinking if Junko fused with all of them
I want to watch it, but idk where to watch it :'(
that would be terrifying but so freaking awesome. I love this edit! I have a soft spot for bad guys. they have better stories.
aw I thought I was dictator.. I would gladly step down for them to preserve my exsistence
you can probably on YouTube, you just gotta search good πŸ˜‚
@ButterflyerX //Thanks! And me too~
@Royal_Rinsharks //I'm sure you'd make a terrific dictatorπŸ‘
@Dillashonda //OKEY DOKEY!!!πŸ‘
that would be the best thing ever! or a show all about them!!! or maybe a team up πŸ˜†πŸ˜πŸ’•
OR A BATTLE!!!!πŸ˜†βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨
there would probably be a higher chance of a battle XD
Oh ma GAWD so fabulous ✨✨
@Cujo //It all depends on if someone steals Erza's cake or not😬
okay, plz report slayinq-snowflakes_hatepage. talk some sense into whoever follows the account. I think you know this hatepage.
No I'm talking about what Yuno would do :T
Hmm yeah. But srsly I'm warning you, DONT TOUCH ERZA'S CAKE. EvEr
>w> hue hue hue
You have been warnedπŸ‘
(one hr later) S**t s**t s**t *runs past you with Erza right behind me*
DID YOU-YOU DID!!! Holy f*Γ§k run *Erza charges towards you in her Purgatory armor*
*grabs u* IM DRAGGING U DOWN WITH ME!! *puts on shoulders and runs*
NO BUT NOOOO!!!!!!!! *Erza requips into her fΓΌΓ§king deadly Heavens Wheel armor*
DRAGGING U DOOOOOOWWWWWNNNN *Runs faster but trips* SH**