Collage by -afterglow


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*drives parking before honking the horn *
*rolls my eyes as i bite my lip* get in the f—king car
*drives as i look at the road*
get off of me julia
no you’re f—king drunk
*groans driving* i need to concentrate on the road
julia get off
i don’t care you got drunk , you broke rules
*looks off the road for a bit before slapping you* shut up!
*continues driving*
*walks into the house*
*walks into the room*
*looks at you before walking into the closet*
*changes as i walk back out*
hey *gets in bed*
stop juliana.
juliana! *grabs your neck roughly*
listen to me the first time i f—king tell you something !
tired of you , drinking like a f—king drunk , you want me and these kids to leave?*tightens my grip around your neck*
*lets go of your neck roughly as i clench my jaw* you see why i cheat on you now julia, nobody wants a wife like you.
*stays silent looking at my phone*
*looks at my phone as i scroll through my phone *
f—king leave , you act like i care julia *gets up* i don’t need you , you need me we all know this think about how you were before me
you were just one girl who’s dad left that became a drunk , i fixed you.
*walks back upstairs into the bedroom*
*lays on the bed getting on my phone*
*looks at my phone before putting it down*
*slowly closing my eyes*