🙊Click Here🙊

I will probably get a lot of unfollowing, but this is true and someone had to tell it. I might delete this later on.//DivineGrande


🙊Click Here🙊 I will probably get a lot of unfollowing, but this is true and someone had to tell it. I might delete this later on.//DivineGrande

83 3
I think your totally right! most of the time I block those people
ps I agree
thank you so much for the spam!?
I agree💖
I totally agree!
I COMPLETELY AGREE!!!!! you are SO right!!! thank you! someone understands😃
true true!! you are so right, i just ignore those people an surround myself with awesome people! you should go check out bella_raelynn13 she has awesome collages and is super nice!
You are so right!😃Pic collage isn't about spreading hate but surrounding yourself with awesome people.Its about not dating but creating!
your are so right just like Instagram
I think you're right, too. I know a lot of my friend's accounts are jointed now and they just talk about drama and stuff. like yeah, I post some stuff about me when I'm excited. but I also post edits. I think the drama can stay away. I get it if they're upset they try to get comfort here, but dating and other stuff isn't what PC is about.
omg this is so true. piccollage has NOTHING to do with gossiping and dating. I don't understand why people do it and I find it really stupid.
you shouldn't delete this. someone had to tell them. and you were the one who was brave enough to.
it's tru but u can follow me I'm 1 of as my mom would say ''Safe People'' LOL
please don't delete ur app!!
I totally agree but plz don't delete your app
I'm new too and I definitely agree! That's why I got the app!😊😌:)😁
I so agree with you🙈
Just don't delete your account
AMEN SISTER✋🏻😂. I've had this app for years now and it was never like this before😞. Don't delete your account😔, I'm sure the stupidity will leave soon☺️🌻✨☀️😍😘
don't delete it bc you follow your dreams don't look at them and don't follow them
Pic collage is for fun and creation totally agree there are so many bad people out there👍🏻👍🏻
I agree!!