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Did a report on this book recently

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This is beautiful! I love The Book Thief. Even though I didn't read the book, I love it so much just because of the movie. It was so sad it made me cry full-on tears.πŸ’§
@_TUMBLRPICS-, I know! I LOVED the movie!! You should really read the book too, it's the best!πŸ’•πŸ“š
@Triplet_klf, All is possible through the power of filters!πŸ‘Œ
My sister read the book. I heard little clips of the book, and it sounded like it was really well-written.πŸ“š
it was beautiful! I wouldn't consider it a light read, it is narrated by Death after all, but it's so lovely and you find yourself caring for the characters as if they were real!
I love this book/movie!!!
My friend read this☺️
this is amazing! I love this book!
I know, right? A triumph! And the movie is so under-hyped!😍