Collage by a-e-s-t-h-e-t-i-c-l-y--s-l-a-y-i-n-g


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cool edit. you will make it. it took me such a long time.
I do that too! 😂😂😂
USE THAT QUOTE!!! but...a piece of remix? 😂😂😂 I see him as a special smarty pants. (he has Bill Nye as a sticker on his laptop.)
it's disturbing to know that without his struggles (mental illness, physical illness, eating disorders, bullies, mapping his genes to figure out that he was adopted) he would be a totally different person. and I wouldn't like that person very much. he wouldn't even be *that* smart.
so cute 💖
😂😂 Bill Nye is awesome...and apparently he has Twitter...(thank you Sonny, but I don't have a Twitter)
and this girl from a high school was doing this algebra problem on her homework and she would always get a repeating decimal even though the answer was supposed to be a whole number. so she took a picture of her work and sent it to Skrillex. two minutes later, he did the work and circled the very first step and said, "you forgot to carry the one)
oh god. way to go. once I saw skrillex in a science documentary at was awesome. I like tapped the shoulder of the guy next to me and was like, "see, I told you he smart"
but at the bottom of his bio, it says "do not use me as a living, breathing cheat sheet"
my school loves that dude and other guys I hate. there's these two girls who have lockers next to me and my friends, and when we say something like "Justin bieber makes suicide jokes, what a jerk" they say "ITS JUST A JOKE SKRILLEX WASNT AFFECTED HIS PROBLEMS WERE TWO YEARS AGO!!!!" the worst thing they ever said
yes totally!💞
bye. and I'll buy a boxing glove to show their faces tomorrow...
yeah. just because Sonny is better now doesn't mean he finds suicide jokes funny.
hey. I have a Skrillex edit, if you didn't notice already,
sees the edit? why?
I love her remixes. they're the best junk out there. I also heard a few, super old, songs with no words by her.
why? what's so special about the edit?
you use that word? never knew. I use beautiful instead.
oh. I use the word beautiful for everything, movies, books, quotes, people regardless of gender, animals....
Hey, out of no where, I want to help you as MUCH as I can. I wanted to let you know what editing apps I use! I use Phonto ( main ) Line Camera, Repix, and ( obviously ) Pic Collage! I love your edits and I hope I can help make them even better. ( don't think I was doing this because I didn't think they looked good because then you would be thinking wrong. They are wonderful!!!!! You sure a sparkling star!! ) ( where did that come from 😂 ) //😂💖😘👌👏💎🎀💦👑😱🕶//
okk & tysm ❤️
ooh cool