There should've been more angry face emojis in there😠he made me cry TWICE and he made me fight with my bff…what a wonderful friend wasn't he?😠😠I'll never trust him again


There should've been more angry face emojis in there😠he made me cry TWICE and he made me fight with my bff…what a wonderful friend wasn't he?😠😠I'll never trust him again

20 0
that's so mean
what a jerk. boys are really immature at that age but it's good ur not friends with him anymore. I know how it feels to work on something and have it ruined. 😒😔😥
thanks guys😊💜
That's so mean of him! If he thinks he can do that to you he doesn't deserve to be friends with you 😕😘✨
you're right😋thank you😊💜💕
that exact same thing happened to me too. on 360 too. he is really mean and I can see why you don't forgive him