why does my sister füćkíńg yell at me all the time in front of everyone??? im so DONE with her HUMILIATING ME AT SCHOOL ALL THE FÙČKÍÑG TIME. i literally just talked about this w her like two weeks ago and she was “so apologetic” and now we’re back to squ


why does my sister füćkíńg yell at me all the time in front of everyone??? im so DONE with her HUMILIATING ME AT SCHOOL ALL THE FÙČKÍÑG TIME. i literally just talked about this w her like two weeks ago and she was “so apologetic” and now we’re back to squ

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why does my sister füćkíńg yell at me all the time in front of everyone??? im so DONE with her HUMILIATING ME AT SCHOOL ALL THE FÙČKÍÑG TIME. i literally just talked about this w her like two weeks ago and she was “so apologetic” and now we’re back to square fùćkîńg one. what a shocker. i just won’t talk to her. that solves everything. it’s not like we talk to each other that much anymore anyways. my twin sister shouldn’t make my own life miserable.
ugh i’m so sorry amber, you don’t deserve any of that especially from someone who should be your biggest supporter. rly hope y’all can work things out n she stops being a jerk to you ... i know that’s hard. you’re better than that though n i know you can get through this 💘
mm wow i don’t blame you though. sometimes the best thing is to just let it go for a while n hopefully it will work out
#MySisIsABîtçhSquad 💪🏻😭 but I’m so sorry. there’s points I’ve stopped talking to my family to survive and I know that it’s really hard either way :( one day I hope she understands how lucky she is to have you in her life
oof, hope everything has gotten better