Tbh I'm just making a load of stuff bc I don't wanna do bloody homework.


Tbh I'm just making a load of stuff bc I don't wanna do bloody homework.

10 0
Same XD
Hehe. XD
It's like...do I seriously need to do this? I don't care what X is. I don't care what C divided by the square root of 144 is.
When do I ever need to work out the circumference of a circle? Why do I need to simplify ratios? Since when were ratios even relevant?
I can't be bothered switching accounts so eh.
Why would you need to simplify a ratio. When. When do you even USE ratios?
Hey, you're me XD
NEVER. "Bob and Kate share a cake in the ratio 6:2" NO ONE DOES THAT. You say that Kate got cake and Bob got cake. You don't say what ratio of the cake they got and expect someone to work out how much cake someone ate.
I guess I am...cx
Yeah! If Bob gets the greater part of the cake, good for Bob. No one cares.
I haven't account switched in a while ;-;
Yeah Bob. You get more cake. Big deal.
I guess I'm the new account switcher person then.
What have we learned? That Bob is an ašshole that doesn't share cake fairly.
Well, if I'm going to give my role to anyone, it's gonna be my like one friend XD
Life lesson=Don't share cake with Bob.
Yayyy! XD But does that mean I have to die of laughter now?
Because Bob won't give you any.
No, I'll keep that part.
He will eat too much and get diabetes but that's what he deserves for being a greedy aśshat.
Okay, good.
Bob is just as bad as Dahvie ~.~
You don't want to go through that, anyway.
Get Jonny to stab Bob.
I really don't tbh.
I'm gonna say that to him XD
I would never bestow that upon you XD
Please do it. XD
That is kind. Thank you. CX
I'm just gonna be like "Can you stab Bob?"
Always XD
"Janneh Bob don't give meh cake."
"Janneh. Jannehjanneh." "What?" "Stab Bob." "Who's Bob?" "He WoN't GiVe Me CaKe!!1!!"
Yes. That will definitely work. Jonny will stab Bob and we eat all the cake and live happily ever afterrrr..