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I'm. confused do like the photo or not
I say ignore those RUDE people
that means a lot to me
thanks again
oh what are you confused about
if I like the collage or not
little question why do u get your photos from the Internet
from the Internet
I wonder too
plz don't be mad
because pic collage does not allow me to use my photos from the library
oh okay that's weird sorry if u
thought I was being offensive
no no that's fine I understand if you don't believe that Harry's my brother
I'm just going to leave and never play on this app ever again
I also understand if you don't wanna follow me any more
I don't care anymore
Harry's my brother and that's that
if you don't believe me then maybe I will leave forever
I just thought that it might be cool for having a famous person following you on pic collage
but if you think that it's not cool then maybe you should STOP following me
and yeah that was offensive to me because you don't believe what I say or tell you
if you want me to make a collage saying " I'm Harry styles's sister " then maybe I will
that way it will always be visible and it will stick in your head
that way it will always be visible and it will stick in your head
sorry, it is super cool
my friends don't believe me or you about who u are
could u answer me please
your sooooooo sweet
you can be my other PC best friend
I want you to be my BFF in pic collage
and plus you could tell your friends that you have someone famous who is following you on pic collage and it will be super duper cool😽😽😽😽😽😽😽XOXOXO
bye xD
I believe you
you are also my PC BFF ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
my day just keeps getting better and better 😘
I believe you
your my PC BFF too .
but only if u want
I believe u
thanks ❤️❤️❤️
I bielieve you too 😊😄
you are amazing
thanks for believing
I believe with all my heart! I am a huge One Direction fan so yeah I believe u
Direction fan so yeah I believe u
you are my PC Bffffffffffffffff
oh thanks u much u r my PC BFF TOO!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
BFFs forever
don't worry love. I believe you!
wait how old r u
and why did u call mwah ' love ' ???? 😐😖