I had this setting in my pre made collages don’t really like it tbh!! 
I prefer the style of my first toe collages what do you think?? πŸ’–


Tap I had this setting in my pre made collages don’t really like it tbh!! I prefer the style of my first toe collages what do you think?? πŸ’–

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two sorry I’m really tired 😴 good night how embarrassing omg seriously Ivy you say toe instead of two??!!!!
TYSM!!!! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
if you want to set up a chat page for us then we could get started on a collab😊
that is ok as your collages are amazing and gorgeous we should definitely collaborate sometime
heyyy ivy! this is beautiful 😍
hahaha toe (good night 😴)
stunningly gorgeous
girl your collages are getting better and better by the day u have so much talent!! <33
I really love this!