Collage by cryroom


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I’d enjoy that actually so let’s do it (:
bio is posted & you should post one too 💞
she could be here any day *hugs*
also requesting Logan’s bio
*smiles and kisses your chin* she’s kicking so much
thank youuuuu
I missed you baby
Ava, you still here ? - j
hi anyone :) i’m evan
oh okay, i thought you left are the kids?
oh okay , no its fine Ava
aww im sorry ml
let’s go do something, just me and you..we’ll take the kids to your moms house
okay baby, mm whatever you wanna do
mmm lemme spoil you baby
just let me , please
hey baby, are you able to get instagram? -h
hanna? baby?
aw okay :( we aren’t using pc anymore
I’ll be making a bio today
we are gonna stay here and try to check that app more often
ight, you needa get ready or sum ?
ight bet *gets my keys*
hey anyone, i’m keegan
hey baby
hi whoever i’m kinley :))
we restarted but ill make one eventually
how are you??
avaa, heyy baby.. are you gonna post a bio?? miss you so much baby girl
hey babyyyy, how are you princess?
that’s good, daddy missed you princess
how are you?
I’m good darling
yes baby would you like to do something?
ladies choice
also daddy wants to see your pretty face, can you post a bio
let’s cuddle
*follows after uou*
*lays next to you*
*smiles and plays with your hair*
ill post right now baby girl
yes I’m still here
miss you hanna
ava ? - j