For Jade


For Jade

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thanks bae🍩
hi I really really hate Patrick and he can go f him self
are you sure he didn't see it
I'm sure
my toe really really hurts 😭
I know
I think it's broken
tell your dad
I'm going to dance text me later tonight and tell me what happened
sorry I just got home and I couldn't find you after school outside
ya sure
really you think that I am lying to you I am not when I got home I had to go to the store
I was looking for you then I sow that the buses were going to leave so I had to get on
sure ok I don't want to talk to u right now
Jaycee raven told me that you need to please be friends with raven
I don't want to be friends with her
plz talk to me
me and Jade are ok
Jaycee why not
yeah Jaycee why I said I am sorry like ten times and I mean it Jaycee
come on Jaycee bye
bye Jaycee
ok be that way but just to let you know I'm not mad at you
me either I just don't trust isis
Jaycee I am really really really really really sorry
to make you feel better today I went over to my dads family for Christmas and their garage started on fire but luckily we put it out
please Jaycee talk to me
I am really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry
please Jaycee talk to me and hi
please Jaycee talk to me 😭
Ian so bored 😐