pourquoi ne hayes ressemblent à un dieu et je ressemble à une pomme de terre


pourquoi ne hayes ressemblent à un dieu et je ressemble à une pomme de terre

26 0
you don't look like a potato
how did you know what I said 😨
if you used google translate 😂😂
^ ahahha it took me like 5 minutes to type it in google translate
but you still don't look like a potato
it's so easy to speak French baby 😂💖 and yes I do! >:v
You don't, and I speak Spanish 🙄😂
fluent? 🤔😂 and I do so 😒💖
nope, I failed the first two years of it 😂 and stop you don't
😂 me too. 😅 my teacher was lame that's why 😴 and make me then 😇🙏🏼