QOTD - Feelings on horror stuff? AOTD - I’m a hugeeeee scary cat. I definitely need a hand to hold while watching horror movies or walking through scary mazes.


πŸ’žTapπŸ’ž QOTD - Feelings on horror stuff? AOTD - I’m a hugeeeee scary cat. I definitely need a hand to hold while watching horror movies or walking through scary mazes.

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thx 4 the spam
thank you!! this is awesome as well
awww tysm this is amazing <3
AOTD: *shudder* I hate horror movies πŸ˜‚ scare me way too much.. I’d probably spend the rest of the year having night mares about them πŸ˜‚
beautiful β€οΈπŸŽ‰
AOTD: Don’t care for it
have a look on my acc
AOTD: scary movies hate me