Welllll.... idek missin bae hardcore and bored af soooo probs gonna go buy more books cuz u know... have nothing better to do


Welllll.... idek missin bae hardcore and bored af soooo probs gonna go buy more books cuz u know... have nothing better to do

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Babe is everything ok cause my mom got a phone call saying u and trinity were fighting and ig my name was mentioned. So r u ok? Love u btw❤️
ig I had to just say fxck it and go home... she asked who knew about it and my mom was here so she said u don’t worry.... love u baby miss u like hełl ❤️❤️ u okay?
New about what?? Yeeess baby I’m fine just had an appointment today I was goin to tell u last night but the fxckin computer wasn’t workin lol I’ll txt yea when I get home love u baby❤️
okay don’t die love u too babe ❤️
Ima not goin to die lol aye wanna meet at the library around 3:30??
Kk yea I’ll txt u when I get home❤️❤️
sure okay trust u... b careful ❤️❤️
sooooo do u want me to meet u then
Baaabbbyyyyy i love u❤️❤️
And ig my mom is driving cause dad is kinda drunk