The Selection #5 Click Here
One of my favourite book series, I just love the fairy tale feeling of it...I also love the heir and crown because of how Eadlyn is a strong female...GIRL POWER!!, who else has read these books, what are your views?πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜Š


The Selection #5 Click Here One of my favourite book series, I just love the fairy tale feeling of it...I also love the heir and crown because of how Eadlyn is a strong female...GIRL POWER!!, who else has read these books, what are your views?πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜Š

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I was going to read the series, but then some girl ruined it sooo
ik! I personally don't really like James, just because he was extremely rude and horrible to snape and others, but I do love Sirius...
she spoiled like how she has to choose between two guys.
I probably should read them.
what book series is this from?
thanks for telling😊