Repost of entry for ButterflyerX's contest! Be sure to enter!


Repost of entry for ButterflyerX's contest! Be sure to enter!

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wow amazing! you will definitely win!
yup!👍 your account is wonderful so I'd make a fan page for you, but I already have a main account. Two accounts can be hard to manage sometimes. For the first time in forever I'm on this account.
lol. For the first time in forever, there'll be music there'll be lights
sorry😂I hate frozen but every time someone shays first time in forever I have to sing that.
good night⭐️oh btw follow Kittniss808 if you're not already and follow my main account SophLoaf72! night lovely💫
it's not lyrics, it's an Essence quote( character)
it's coming along great! I got to some action! I'm also working on a wattpad story
yeah, quite a few. it's a doctor who fanfic, and I use the same username
it's actually about perfection, government, and depression, though
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I'm holding a games on my account! You can sign up to be on a team and compete by making edits and collages! Everyone who enters will eventually win something, and it will be a great opportunity where you will gain followers and meet other people from PC! Hope you enter☄😘