describe someone you don't know very well (like someone at school who you're not friends with, but still kind of know)


describe someone you don't know very well (like someone at school who you're not friends with, but still kind of know)

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there's this boy named Austin in my grade, he's pretty short & he has black hair and freckles. he has the biggest most contagious smile ever and he's always happy & jumping around, he seems to get along with everyone and he's pretty funny also
a guy named mitchell in my biology class, he doesn't talk but sometimes he sits by me cuz people are rude and try to pester him into talking, or talk about him right in front of him like he can't hear them? he's really smart though and sometimes we look at each other and smile whenever someone says something stupid. literally know nothing about him cuz we've never had a conversation but he seems cool n nice
there's this girl named megan in my sign language who's dyed her hair so many times that it's now white/gray and damaged and she puts way too much makeup on and w/o makeup she looks like a man. she's really mean and she's given so many b jobs it's not even funny
*sign language class
also! his mannerisms remind me of newt scamander's
there's a girl named evette who's a freshman and she wears mcr or ptv shirts about every day and all kinds of wristbands who has a really cool haircut and she seems really nice
*and has
I love these
there used to be a girl who went to my school and she was almost always happy. she loved horses-horses on her binder and folders every year. she was really friendly to everyone, but for some reason a lot of people tended to avoid her and kind of distance themselves from her. she moved away a couple of years ago though. honestly i think most of everyone has forgotten about her but i still think about her sometimes because we would swing together at recess
I love these so much!!
There was a boy in my class this year named Rafe. He had blue eyes and long light blonde hair that looked a shade of yellow. He's the smiliest person I've ever met. He seemed to really genuinely like people and enjoy everything. He lived part time in Wisconsin, I think. Still don't understand how that worked (I live in Florida). His favorite place in the world is a ski lodge there. He made it sound like the hot chocolate was warmed in God's hands and no one knows how to be anything but happy and kind there. I've never seen snow, but I know it's fantastic from talking to him. He was honest. He laughed loudly. Every day, after our last class, everyone walks in a herd to study hall but me to get picked up (my dads always late). But at the beginning of the year, Rafe stayed. I remember being really pathetically shocked by this. Like 'Wow, someone wants to be friends with me, call NASA because something's wrong in orbit". I packed quickly and we walked to study hall together, still talking about what we were doing in comp.lit. He dropped out a few weeks into the year. No explanations, he just disappeared one day. The teachers say he goes to a public school in Wisconsin now.
There's a boy that I won't name. But for the sake of the description, I'll call him Toby. But he's a mutual friend, and I admit that I'd like to know him better. He seems like a decent kid. He has pale-ish skin and curly hair the color of faded brown leather.