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you don't understand the people lecturing me don't understand Maya doesn't understand my own fûcking brother doesn't understand! no one gets it that's the thing
and when they don't get it they lecture me on what's right and wrong but it all changes in my situation!
I just deleted it all and its some of your friends and yes I understand why I just... I can't do this anymore
Bc I let you go
no Chloe it's not
David is in the hospital hun....
I don't really know we are out of our home town and he said he would meet us back at the hotel that he was just gonna take a walk... and we just got a call from the paramedics. we are going to see him now.
I'll keep you updated. he feels horrible about it...... he's just so confused
your friends I think it's was someone who's account name has Jose and someone else's who has Dylan were telling him something and he was getting really frustrated and he felt horrible about everything and it's just all screwed up