Collage by JuliettDavid


152 7
that's cute!
that is cute you should make one for pic collage
omg amazing!!!
Omg that's sooo cool! please keep drawing you're amazing at
that's awesome 👍
I love the shading btw what type of pencil did you use I use prisms color
omg I can't draw that amazing you draw amazing WOW
wow where did u find this? wait did u draw it?
how'd you do it
I love this so much! it's so cool!
you DREW that's!?!?! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! go team JD!!!!
Thank you guys so much for the sweet and encouraging comments, unfortunately I did not draw this I just found it online and thought it was unique. Sorry!
wow that's amazing
I like the drawing it so awesome
are they princesses?
that amazing
I 💙💜💚💛❤️💕💗💖💘💓💞💝💟💜 that
oh my gosh
did you draw these?!
wow ... they are beautiful ... I draw dresses but these are beyond amazing
your so good at drawing
Henry is tumbler
I am YouTube
did you draw that
I love the YouTube
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