Art trade with Twilight Pie:)


Art trade with Twilight Pie:)

24 1
Aw thx Cherry, wanna art trade?? sorry I'm hėlla bored rn and I'm dying
same here child XD who do you want me to draw? oh and would you like the drawing pencil or digital
Yep sure of course my fren, hm... could you draw me Jyushimatsu from Osomatsu-San? I'll Remix the pic
Thx so much :33 Oh wait should I color it?? I don't color since I'm not so good at it digitally
Ohh ok thx for letting me know
your art is freaking cute omg
Ah it's ok I don't mind the wait. if Jyushimatsu' difficult for you I can choose a different character if you want no worries
can we do art trade 🌸?