I'm sooo bored 😐


I'm sooo bored 😐

8 2
what do you need to tell me and hey
I do like her and I told her that I believe her that she is 14 and lives in London
tell her to look
ok I don't know if she is on
good pretty confused hru
sad bc u r gonna break up with me u like gabby
I'm not going to break up with you for gabby
but gabby said u don't like me any more and broke up with me Im so confused right now
I never said that
o ok
r u
me to
hey what do y'all want to talk about
u r pretty though
same idk if jack is one
yeah probably
hey guys sorry I had this test to do
it's fine and I got finished a wile ago I just had a test to take after school
oh hey
hey umm I'm bored
remix me babe plz πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‰
I hate u anahi
how could u lie
I thought u were my friend but I guess not I never told you that jack didn't like u never would I do that
hi do I no u bc Anahi isn't on right now it's me Andrea the girl who Anahi shares accounts with
wait what's happening I don't know who to trust πŸ€”πŸ˜«
dude listen to me anahi goes to my school
ok Anahi deleted her account bc of u so just stop ok
if u r happy jack just believe her ok
yes she did
I wait nvm it was just a glitch
she told me to tell u to just stop
she never deleted it I can still go to her page and you can too
I doubt want to talk to her friends I want to talk to her
she said that she can't talk to you gabby right now but jack she said she will explain what's happening ok bye now
wait u believe me?
I thought u didn't think I was telling you the truth
I believed you from the start
ok cool
want to ask each other questions? to learn more about each other
sure what's the first thing that you thought of me when you first met me
that u were nice and cool 😎 and sweet
thanks your turn
what was the first thing u thought of me when u met me
that you were really pretty and cute and cool
thx😊 ur turn
what's the worst thing that you have done
um gotten suspended
but it wasn't my fault I got set up by a "friend"
u still on jack?
hey sorry
it's ok😊😘
u like me?i thought u really really liked anahi
well I did like her but I don't like a girl that lies and doesn't admit it and from the beginning I like you that's why I mainly made my channel because I wanted to talk to you and Cody made me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Cody showed me you and I thought that you were really pretty and I was a little jealous when he said that y'all have dated before