If u use GIVE CREDIT! Please!!!


If u use GIVE CREDIT! Please!!!

15 0
THIS IS SO UMFAIR!!! I made this icons and said.. GIVE CREDIT! you blocked out my name and put yours in!!
please take that down!! NOW
I know I might sound rude but.. ITS UNFAIR
OMG! this is the SECOND time this has happened to me!!
that's cause you always copy people's collages!! you have copied THREE!!! people have gotten angry at you only two even though you copied THREE! you copied one that said: I'm a magical kitten, Nothing can stop me! and you copied one that loads of people got angry at you for copying and asked you to take it down which you didn't for AGES!!
you also copied mine!
I've only been on Piccollage did a few months but I've been on long enough to see all the collages you've copied!
OMG!! how long does it take for you to.. CALM DOWN?!?!
I'll take it down!!
ha ha
thanks😒 I admit... I didn't make it! icons-and-tutororials made it! SO SORRY!