Collab with......
My bestie @goofygenius!!! I did the background and quote and she added the text. I just got the iPhone XR so I’m excited.
Qotd: what kind of phone do you have
Aotd: IPhone XR


Collab with...... My bestie @goofygenius!!! I did the background and quote and she added the text. I just got the iPhone XR so I’m excited. Qotd: what kind of phone do you have Aotd: IPhone XR

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oh haha. Cool! i just have a 6 lol.
I HATE the new layout for pc! It’s so confusing.
please do you are a very talented collager 🤗
I’m heading off to a sleepover soon. But get this, yesterday I was at a water park and the life guard kicked me out for “wearing clothes” I wasn’t even in the water!
But enough about me, what about you bestie?
cool Kk I’ll create a chat page on my account
this is kaysha,Aka -KK_Does_Art- ,Caitlin is never on this account so it is normally me who is talking
the chat page is up on my account my newest post
welcome to team Spider-Man!! 🕷😁
I made the chat page
I took it down but I’ll re post it now 1 sec
it should be up now
check it out
I’ll let u know when I comment (I commented😜)
I commented
ooh gorgeous collab 💗 i don't have an phone haha