


11 27
Evan: *walks over to the meet spot at the start of the trail*
Rose: *delicately picks one of the flowers*
(I gtg ๐Ÿ˜‘)
Ughhhh.... I have to go to school. Hopefully I'll be on in about 7 hours.๐Ÿ˜‘
(ikr Iโ€™m in science rn)
I'm in ss
I get the day off from school๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
Iโ€™m on the tennis bus ๐Ÿ‘Œ we canโ€™t have our phone at school and plus there is legit no service in school ๐Ÿ˜‚
lucky Iโ€™m in math
hey im here i have to go to math enrichment
Iโ€™m in social studies
Mal sighs. "I'm over him."
Mal: I don't care, Rose. I'm happy for you...
(I had a half day at school)
Mal takes something out of her pocket. It's a picture of someone from her orphanage. She smiles.
Alex:*walks on the trail chewing gum*
Sam: I love hiking
Mal: yea. me too. *her mind is on thing other than hiking*
Mal stares at the picture, then shoves it in her pocket when Sam looks over her shoulder.
Jessica:*walks behind everyone*
Sam: What is that, Malory? / Mal: nothing / Sam: I know that it's not nothing. Is it.. / Mal: Shhh! *frowns* / Sam: *laughs* Now I know for a fact what it is...
Mal falls behind, ashamed.
Alex:*reads a couple emails on her phone*
Sam stares at her
Alex:*drinks water*
Annabeth: is just there (lol)
(what is happening?)
(I think everyone is doing normal tasks๐Ÿ˜‚)
( anyone here?)
(ok hey guys im making a roleplay i was wondering if you guys could join?)
(yay! thanks!)
(what happend?)
(I went to an old weapon testing place near where I live and there was a place that was supposed to be closed, but the gate was broken, so my dad and I went in, and there was a dark and creepy room and I walked in and there was a hazmat suit LAYING IN THE FLOOR and I freaked out)
(OMG!! thats scary!)
(I would haved screamed!)
(Iโ€™m fine...but I almost died๐Ÿ˜‚)
(Oh okay just checking๐Ÿ˜‚)
(My sister also tried to touch barbed wire๐Ÿ™„)
(She thought it was a Christmas wreath...)
(How old is your sister?)
Iโ€™m aliveeee
anyone here?
Caeli* ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ wassup
oh elisza I heard about you hazmat suit insident
(oof sorry Caeli*)
Rose: *is at the start of the trail with azule taking pictures and laughing w/ her sis*
itโ€™s cool๐Ÿ˜‚
(im at a restaurant cause life ๐Ÿ‘Œ)
(It was scary Caeli....really scary)
Matt: (new kid look at newest post) *walks over to the start of the trail*
Alex:*drinks water so she die*
it was๐Ÿ˜ฑ I can guarantee I would have screamed then wet my pants or fall over๐Ÿ˜‚
food is life Iโ€™m in study hall
Grace walked over to where everyone was waiting, and glanced over the top of her sunglasses at her surroundings
wait Alex??
Azule: *turns around* hey u must be new! Iโ€™m Azule and this is my sis rose *rose waves*
is dieing?
Even worse there was scary graffiti next to it
omg scaryyyyy
Matt: *walks over to them* let me guess both goods?
omg elisza I saw this video were this guys was wearing a hazmat suit and chased these kids out of a building ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–
(Hold on...give me a second. Iโ€™m switching accounts.)
Adrian: *walks over next to grace*
(kk elisza)
(Okay, Iโ€™m good now.)
โ€œHey Adrian.โ€ Grace said turning towards him
so she wonโ€™t die*
Azule: *flashes a offensive look* so what
oh good
Adrian: hey, that a new kid *points at matt*
Alex:*walks over to Matt* You must be new...I am Alex*holds out hand*
matt: *rolls his eyes* I donโ€™t work well with goods *grits his teeth*
Matt: *nods his head at alex* Iโ€™m Matt...
โ€œI thinkโ€ Grace said looking in Mattโ€™s direction
Alex:Nice to meet you.*still holding hand out*
Matt: *shakes her hand*
Alex:*shakes his hand and smiles*
Adrian: bad vibes
Matt: Iโ€™m just guessing but are you evil?....
โ€œYeah. Very bad.โ€ Grace said looking uncomfortable.
Alex:No, Both.
Adrian: um we should watch out you know what I mean
Matt: oh
โ€œUgh...these bad vibes are giving me a headache.โ€ Grace said grimacing. โ€œThatโ€™s the downside to being a psychic.โ€
Alex:Yea...Why would you think I am evil? You donโ€™t even know me..
eek I gtg Iโ€™ll be on in a 1/2 hour when I get off the bus
Adrian: *rubs her back* try to focus on something else
(Kk Have a fun bus ride)
Matt: Iโ€™m an outcast I read people well, Iโ€™m like a canines can smell it
โ€œIโ€™ll try...โ€ Grace said closing her eyes
Alex:Ok..*walks off to sit down on a oversized rock*
celesta finished pulling her hair into a ponytail and followed everyone else up the mountain.
celesta pit her pack and put it on the ground. she stood on a rock and had a look around at the view
Alex:*sighs and reaches in her pocket looking for her phone*
celesta placed Alex's phone on a rock behind her and quickly turned away
daniel didn't show up as he was dying on the floor from blood loss
Alex:*turns around seeing her phone and picks it up*
Alex:*looks through a new message form Erica and the reply*
celesta pulled out her phone and sent a text to Alex: I'm sorry
Alex:*txts Celesta*Why?
celesta replied: you should kill me soon.
Alex:*txts Celesta* What?
celesta looked up over at Alex
Alex:*txts Celesta*People will hate me if I kill you! I will hate myself!
celesta: I'll explain to them. when we all get back I'll talk to you more. Alex, Cara and Ava can't die or get captured. I know I can die. once.
(I kinda want celesta to die and then revive bc I'm thinking then she loses her demigodishenss which makes it simpler bc rn her wind powers are like doubled over or smth.)
Cara gathered her things for camping. she was slightly scared of lightning.. but she tried not to think about it. these past couple days had been a whirlwind. she needed a break. a big one.
Alex:Just let me do it before I have second thoughts..*is now holding her dagger*
Cara walks in and sees celesta and Alex. "hey guys," she picks up an apple, "excited for camping?"
celesta: I had a vision- said it would Take me about 30-60 mins to revive. depending.
( i an here!)
celesta: Cara, whatever happens now is meant to happen. I love you. please. don't hurt anyone.
Cara dropped her apple. "what now?" she looked over at Alex with her dagger. "are you going to KILL her?"
celesta nodded at Alex and waited
Cara's mouth fell open. she felt her world spinning. "no, it isn't. you aren't meant to die!" she stepped on her apple. "no.. no.."
Alex:*let the dagger fly hitting Celesta in the chest*
Cara closed her eyes, bracing herself. "this isn't happening again..." tears traced her cheek, she was shaking, scared. she ran underneath a table, covered her eyes, plugging her ears. "don't... do... it..."
Alex:*bites her lip nervously*
cara screamed. "CELESTA!!" she ran over as she hit the floor, tears stinging her eyes. "no. no.." she picked her up and put her head on her knee. "why..." she looked at Alex. "why would you LET HER? do you feel ANY remorse? you MURDERED her."
Alex:Sheโ€™ll be back....Itโ€™s okay*she says softly*
(Whatโ€™s going on? I just got outta school)
"NO. IT ISNT." she said, exasperated. "if you had to kill ANYONE, it should have been me." she stared at the dagger laying by her hand, golden and red blood covered it. "celesta..."
(Theyโ€™re all on a camping trip and some drammaaaaa is happening)
Alex:She said the same thing...*takes out the dagger out of Celesta*
she stroked celesta forehead. "it wasn't your time.." she glared at Alex. "how could you let her... how could you DO it."
Alex:Relax sheโ€™ll be back in 30-60 min.
celestial eyes fluttered shut and she stopped moving. there was apiece of paper in her hand. it read "thankyou"
Alex:*picks up the note and reads it*
(heyyy im back!!!)
Alex:*shakes her head has she reads the note and shoves it in her pocket*
WHOOHOO both my characters are dying/dead.
(Daniel Died?)
he's bleeding out on the floor back at school :))
but leave him. imma let him die.
I don't think I missed any drama *insert scarcasm* ๐Ÿค”
bahaha. lol
(youโ€™re a murder!)
I gtg. I have xcountry training. and then school. I'll pop on from time to time but celesta will remain incapacitated for now :))
(Kk byeee)
(I am here!!!!)
Iโ€™m aliveeeee
I saw itโ€™s so cuteeeee
(I think maybe if Monika and Mark go out then maybe Mackenzie and Art can go out)
(Matt, idk where art came from๐Ÿ˜‚)
mark: *falls to the back of the group to take in the sights*
Alex:*taps her foot hoping the best for Celesta*
I know I came in between a bunch of stuff, but can I join in the Rp?
Nova- *sees her peers hiking in the mountains. She is hidden, and didn't expect to see them here. She questions whether or not if she should say something to them*
Alex:*sits down next to Celesta now worried that she lied*
Mackenzie:*wonders around, taking on the beautiful scenery*
mark: *sees her and smiles* hey Iโ€™m mark!
(itโ€™s happening!๐Ÿ˜‚)
Nova- *sees a couple of new people and wonders where they came from*
Jessica:*climbs a tree at the top spots Nova* HEY!*she yells* Who are you?
Nova- *realizes that Jessica spotted her and turns into a fox and tries to run away*
mark: thatโ€™s a gorgeous name! matches your face*he blushes hardly above noticeable*
Jessica:*teleports in front of Nova and picks up the fox*
Nova- *tries to squirm away, not wanting to reveal herself*
Jessica:Who are you?*holds he fox tightly*
Nova- *tries to act like a normal fox, but knows that Jessica is too smart and she can't fool her*
Give me 2 minutes, I'll brb.
hoi my frens
I'm in class now :))
Cara lay there, motionless, tears tracing her cheeks, her eyes red. she couldn't believe celesta was really... gone.
(hey im gere!)
mark: *looks down at his feet* carter told me about you to I couldnโ€™t wait to meet you *blushes at her mumbled words*
(what is going on?)
Alex:*mumbles under her breath*Wait till Cater figures this out...*bites her nails*
(idk ๐Ÿ˜‚)
(ok ill just randomjoin)
wait what happens to Celesta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Annabeth: ........
'she'll come back.. I know it.' she thought, she just had to move on. it was the hardest thing, but celesta had even told her. 'don't hurt anyone'
(So basically Celesta told Alex to kill her because she would come back in 30-60 mins)
I'm back
omg carter is going to be so sadddddd๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Nova- *sighs**she knows she could turn into a different animal, but Jessica would keep on catching her*
*face palm*
Jessica:TELL WHO YOU ARE!*know is holding a dagger*
so she isnโ€™t dead?
Nova- *yelps* It's me! NOVA!
I honestly have no clue
mark: yea that sounds great! *grins and looks at monika happily*
omg carter is going to find celestas body wait weโ€™re is it?
Alex:Cara...No one can know Celesta is dead ok?
Nova- Yeah, I'm that evil girl. Remember me?
oh bella๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ
she rolls her eyes at Alex. she wasn't one to hold grudges, but Alex had killed her sister. it was hard. "whatever." she looked away, never making eye contact with her.
carter: *he hadnโ€™t heard a word from Celesta since the movie he was going to find her*
oh nova person I must say something creepy to you โ€œI know who you areโ€.......
Alex:I thought she was telling the truth...But I guess she really wanted to die*hands Cara he note*
Jessica:No...I am pretty new here...I bet Alex knows who you are come on...
Nova- *turns human* *She doesn't try to run away because she is afraid Jessica will stab her if she does*
mark: so um*put his sunglasses on* itโ€™s a date?
(you know me! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ)
Alex:*hears someone near them* Whoโ€™s there?*she cries*
(Jessica doesnโ€™t she is relatively new here)
carter: wait I can use the snap chat finder thing to figure out were she is! *goes on snap and tryโ€™s to go to her location*
(when magical kids use snap chat to find somebody)
(What did I miss guys?)
carter: CELESTA? *run over to the voice and sees Alex Cara and celestas body* celes- omg CELESTA
(idk how it works I donโ€™t have snap I just saw my friend do it once๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚)
mark: awesome! *pumps fist on the inside*
(I don't have snap either ๐Ÿ˜น)
(I have SnapChat)
carter: *his eyes shoot from celestas body to alex* you did this *runs over to her and grabs her throat pinning her to a nearby wall* what did you do?!! *he says his voice crack and tears forming in his eyes as he uses his powers to lock alex to the wall*
(whatโ€™s going on here?)
(ALEX KILLED CELESTA๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
(where are we Right now?)
Alex:*her face fills with red* I did do it.*she says softly*
(oh Lordy)
(I think there's a date going on)
Alex:Because she told me to!!*teleports away from Carter*
Brb give me 2 minutes.
(Iโ€™m backkkk)
(okay, since I have no clue whatโ€™s going on, Grace will be in her dorm๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป)
carter: *drops to the ground sobbing as his powers fully pin alex to the wall and he goes to celestas body and holds her in his arms* no no no.. no.... no.......
Grace was sitting up in her dorm reading a history book and listening to show tunes. (Because that is actually all I do๐Ÿ˜‚)
carter: no she didnโ€™t.... your a liar.....
Alex:*teleports of the wall* I AM SORRY OKAY?!? SHE WANTED TO DIE AND EVEN THANKED ME FOR DOING IT*hands Carter the note*
Azule: *sits on the edge of the trail with rose*
Alex:*sits next to Celesta collecting 3 pints of her blood and putting it in to her bag*
ig mackenzie is still lost๐Ÿ˜‚
carter: *stares at alex grimly as he stands up* your not going anywhere
Nova- *to Jessica* So, you're not going to stab me or anything, are you? *nervously stares at dagger*
(just make her talk to Azule and rose)
Alex:Why?*stands up*
Mackenzie: *finds Azule and rose and runs behind them* โ€œBoo!โ€
Evan: *jogs over and plops down next to rose* hey sweetheart *pops a lollipop into his mouth*
Grace is so lonely๐Ÿ˜”
carter: because Iโ€™m going to kill you *he says simply as his arm turns into metal and extends shooting through her torso all the way*
Nova- *looks around, and notices Grace is missing from the group. She remembers Grace because they got into fights when Nova first came to school*
Jessica:Nope.You can go.*turns away and walks off*
Nova- Phew. I was almost caught.
Adrian: *walks into a tree*
Somebody noticed my lonliness๐Ÿ˜‚
Alex:*her eyes widen and dodges Carterโ€™s arm*
Azule: *stands up* hey Mackenzie *smiles*
carter: *trips her and elbows her in the solarplex*
Rose: *leans her head on his shoulder* hey babe
After a couple minutes, Grace decided she was clearly missing out on something. So she left the dorm and used one of her fancy psychic maps (donโ€™t know if you guys remember those) to find the rest of the group.
(walks into a tree ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ)
Nova- *to herself* I don't think anybody will be at the school, maybe I'll go revisit that place.
Evan: lollipop? *holds one out offering it to her*
(I think Grace and Adrian should see an eye doctor...first Grace walking into a wall and now Adrian walking into a tree.๐Ÿ˜‚)
rose: thanks *takes it from him unwrapping it and putting in her mouth*
and he fell out of a window
(Oh, and that too๐Ÿ˜‚)
(omg lol when did that happen ๐Ÿ˜‚)
Alex:STOP IT!*she yells* Celesta wanted to die she asked me several times!!*getting up running to climb a tree*
you missed it grace then fell trough the wall
Grace eventually found herself very very lost, her map no longer working. She decided she probably should have stayed back in her dorm.
Nova- *turns into falcon and uses map to find school*
Mackenzie: Iโ€™m glad I found you.. I was lost
(oml grace๐Ÿ˜‚)
carter: I.dont.CARE! *he yells as he uproots the tree with a single arm*
(Grace is like a living ghost๐Ÿ˜‚)
Nova- *once she gets far enough from the other students, she turns into a dragon so she can get there faster*
Cara hears the fighting and runs over to Alex and Carter. her eyes were still red from crying. "Carter!" she ran to his side. "celesta wanted this. and I'm insanely mad at Alex.. I know." she put down his arm. "before she died, celesta told me not to hurt anyone. I think you should do the same."
Adrian: *walks into a puddle and just stands in it ankle deep*
Alex:*jumps off the tree holding out several daggers* I really donโ€™t want to hurt you....
Nova- *arrives at school*
Grace started walking through random trees, trying to find another person.
Nova- *starts walking through the familiar hallways*
carter: CARA GET BACK *he says as he looks at alex and laughs insanely* that was a huge mistake I control metal *controls the daggers sending one into her chest another into her shoulder and the rest in the air*
Alex:*yelps in pain and falls to the floor* That was a huge mistake....*she mutters*
"CARTER! is this what you want? do you think this would make celesta happy?!"
Alex:*pulls her dagger out of her skin and uses her second power to send a poisoned dart into carters leg*
"ALEX! that goes for you too! you've already done enough."
Alex:Fine...* she cover the wound with a bandage*
carter: *laughs at alex and turns his head to cara head tilted eye twitching* run
(where's Grace at?)
Azule: *heres screaming and runs to the scene. she sees celesta on the floor and Alex and carter both bleeding and Cara standing there* what happened *she whispered as she let out a shaky breath*
Rose: *looks up at evan and pulls out her sucker, kissing him lightly on the cheek, she smiles beautifully* happy Valentineโ€™s Day Evan
(Grace the middle of nowhere...)
carter: no Iโ€™m not done until alex dies *he says as he turns his leg to metal before it hits deflecting it*
Azule: *looks at carter and alex while whispering softly* celesta
Alex:Your Insane...
Evan: *smiles and pulls out a pink journal from behind his back* happy Valentineโ€™s Day
(thanks Azule leave me)
Azule: *runs out to the edge of the mountain tears streaming down her face she collapses on the floor in a mess of tears and hatred*
(Is she at the school?)
Alex:*send five more poisoned darts at Carter*
Rose: omg!!!! thank you sooooo much I was legit heartbroken when I lost my other one *sadness appeared on her face* my mom gave it to me.... but this is beautiful *she lightly takes it from his hands and smiles* I didnโ€™t get you anything though *she frowns*
"you leave me not choice." Cara jumps on Carter, easily pinning him to the ground, and deactivated his metal leg and arm. "listen. to my. sister. got it?"
glares at Alex. "you too."
Grace finally gave up and sat down against a tree. She took a deep breath and tried not to cry. She was lost, alone, and scared.
carter: *smiles and his eye twitches* Iโ€™m insane and so much more *he laughs insanely and punches alex in the face with tremendous force*
carter: *shoves cara off* fine you want me to leave so bad?
Alex:Carter...You Donโ€™t Understand..I did what she wanted..
"what don't you two understand? you're hurt another human being! another person just like you. you're aiming to kill them... how could you be so heartless to MURDER someone? celesta died for you guys and you're KILLING eachother on PURPOSE? get it in your heads that maybe, just maybe, this is completely inhumane and down right ruthless."
Adrian: *falls down hill and smashes into the tree grace is sitting at* oof
^^caras famous speech. *bows*
Grace screamed and jumped to her feet. โ€œWhat was that?!โ€
Alex:I am not going to Kill Carter all I am doing is hurting him....
(slow clapping... FASTER CLAPPING)
"I don't want you to leave," she says in clenched teeth, "I want you to stop."
(Claps really loud)
"so WHAT? you're HURTING another human being. causing them pain. what in your head thinks that's okay?"
Sorry... gtg
carter: Cara look who is talking you have died multiple times or gotten vary vary close but do you know the pain you put my best friend through?? you destroy Brody but he is still with you right? well Iโ€™m done I canโ€™t take it anymore so goodbye*turns to metal and melts into the ground*
Azule:*sitting in a heap crying she lost celesta, she tried to sing but it just turned into more crying*
Evan: eh itโ€™s fine I donโ€™t really need anything *shrugs*
Alex:I am a messed up human being because of he flipping company...They trained me in a way that itโ€™s okay to kill...
rose: *made a single red rose grow from the ground and picked it handing it to evan* itโ€™s not the best gift but I hope you like it *smiles*
Cara is flabbergasted. (AHAHA FUNNY WORD๐Ÿ˜‚) " have no right..." she got choked, then shook her head, and gained strength. "I can't help that I'm a demigod, or I have spells or, I LOVE Brody. I can't help being myself. I can't help that. but YOU," she controlled her self, then spoke in a calm, even whisper. "but you... you choose it."
Cara turned to Alex. "enough with the excuses! company this, company that. we are all born decency. and the knowledge to know right from wrong."
*a chuckle erupts inside caras mind* โ€œno Cara you know Iโ€™m right you know deep insideโ€ (look at remixs)
Evan: *chuckles* itโ€™s gorgeous like you
Azule: *talks into the ground between sobs* celesta...... lost.....cara.....carter....... alex *then all of the sudden stops crying her hatred building*
'you.. you're a sick, sick, person. you don't deserve celesta. not one bit." she ran off, to her tent, sobbing, longing for Brody. but was Carter right? she couldn't help but think.
oh Nolan has a crush on Azule oooohhhhhh
Alex:*shakes her head* Okay it was wrong....
rose: and itโ€™s going to die pretty soon if you donโ€™t put it in water *laughs*
(theyโ€™re dating ๐Ÿ˜‚)
(Gtg to swim practice bee back in 1 1/2)
I didn't know!!!
Grace walked around looking for whoever she had heard earlier. โ€œHello...?โ€ She said sound a little afraid
welp they are ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ
everyone die?
yep basically
I have to gooooooo๐Ÿ˜”
sorry Iโ€™m back
and no I didnโ€™t know rhat๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Azule: *stands up her blue eyes going grey she lifts off the ground her clothes changing to a dress her hair sticking up and unbraiding itself, she is standing in a cloud of pure water*
(Yeah after Azule reveals her lit power ๐Ÿ‘Œ)
caeliiii can Brody come on now?
oh Nolan *facepalm*
oh right broodssss
nolans a boss, okay. he slays those pop tarts
Brody: *starts walking the path alone and far behind*
Evan: right
Evan: makes a crystalized water container of water and put the rose in*
Cara texts Brody: Brody. it's Carter. he's gone.. mad. but that's not the point. he said something. and it shook me. he said I've come so close to dying and hurt you so much, yet you're still with me. I'm a suckรฟ girlfriend. I don't deserve you. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry..
Azule: *flys on her cloud over the trees to celesta its starts to pour as she lands where celesta cara carter and Alex are. with one swipe of her hands a jet of water sends alex into the trees knocking her unconscious, she then lifts up celesta in a bubbles and floats over to her bringing her back to life. then Azule falls out of the sky onto the ground the sky clears up as celesta floats back down on the bubbles, Azule is laying in her normal clothes her eyes turning back to blue*
(that took a while ๐Ÿ˜‚)
Brody: txts: WAIT WhAT???
(I wanted her to have a lit powers moment ๐Ÿ˜‚)
hey someone is finally matching Brodyโ€™s awsomness๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Azule: *lays in a heap on the ground surrounded in water her hair is sprawled out all around her*
(ye Nolan come get Azule she is kinda drained so give her some water then sheโ€™ll be chill)
(Atlanta is a city I๏ธ think ๐Ÿค”)
rose: *looks at Evan amazed* amazing! sorry you know the power thing is still new to me *laughs and touches the bubble*
Atalanta is a urban city๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ
so she can be the princess of Atlantis
(this whole time I thought you were talking about Atlanta Georgia๐Ÿ˜‚)
Azule: *stands up drinking the water* what happened *she put her hand of her head letting him lead her*
(sounds good ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚)
Azule: *rembers everything that just happened and wanting to forget it she smilies at Nolan* I would love to see what you got me
Azule: *gasp and looks at it smiling beautifully* omg Nolan!!!!...... itโ€™s itโ€™s beautiful *smiles and kisses him with passion* my gift isnโ€™t that great *she looks at the ground*
Azule: *looks up and blushes, she pulls out two necklaces on for him and one for her* here itโ€™s not the most best expensive est gift but I thought you might like it *she half smiles handing him the box*
Azule: I kinda thought we could start working on some music together I really need a partner in the music business I called the record deal and they said theyโ€™re five with it so itโ€™s just up to you *she smiled hopefully*
Cara texts: just come to my tent. asap.
(btw I think caeli died)
Azule: *smiles* so will you be my partner?
(everyone died ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚)
(Iโ€™m bored ๐Ÿ˜‚)
(me to)
(eh Brooke and caeli died)
celesta suddenly sat up, gasping for breath.
cara turned. "celesta!" she ran over embracing her. she had so many questions, but she didn't want to ruin the moment.
(just remember Azule was the one who healed her ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ)
(I am backkk!!!)
celesta smiled weakly
(you might want to read up cause Azule kinda knock you unconscious alex and healed celesta ๐Ÿ‘Œ)
Alex:*rubs her head which is bleeding*
Iโ€™m here
Alex:*wakes up and walks over to Celesta* You sacred the heck out of me!!
Iโ€™m here
Iโ€™m here
Azule: *a crown Spears hovering over her head although she does not see it, she runs to celesta* celesta!!!! *she gently hugs her*
guys I have suck a bad cramp I feel like Iโ€™m pregnant๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ
rose: thatโ€™s amazing *she says gasping and touching the bubble* sorry all this power stuff is still new to me *laughs*
oh yea Maggie carter tried to kill alex and is not insane and ran away
Alex:ummm...Celesta there is something about Carter you probably want to know...
uggg that sucks is Tom coming?
poor carter
time of month
whose Tom?
Alex:Actually never mind...
yup yesterday๐Ÿ˜ข the world Valentineโ€™s Day gift to me
azule: *kneels next to celesta hugging her* I๏ธ I I think I brought you to life
(eh gtg be back in an hour)
dang that sucks idk when mine is coming yet
aww bye and yea itโ€™s nothing new I first had it like um a year and a 1/2 ago so๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Oh that spelling was on point๐Ÿ˜‚
(Everyone dies when I am on)
I knoooooooow
noo Iโ€™m hereee
(im here!)
hoi peoples
(I am still here)
(lol i was just talking to myself)
(heyyyy peoples!)
(Hello darkness my old friend*cough* only friend*cough*
(serously๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ thats me right now!)
(lucky! i have always wanted to act!)
(just stole some of my sisters Valentimes candy she has enough to share)
(That sounds super fun)
(im in middle school so i dont get candy ๐Ÿ˜ข)
(I bought myself valentine candy)
( i dont have mony i always waste it on buying books)
(Sammeee but for French we got cupcakes)
( i always buy percy jackson books)
(I waste my money on candy)
(I donโ€™t ever spend my now I have like 600 dollars saved up๐Ÿ˜‚)
(Well, I was saving up to buy myself tickets too see Hamilton in broadway....)
(But Iโ€™m starting to think seeing a show three times in the same year is a little excessive...)
(I practically live in New York so...๐Ÿ˜‚)
(Nooooooooo I hate the city. The only reason I like it is because of broadway.)
(I live in Canada!!!)
(YES I LOVE IT-Wait...weโ€™ve had this conversation before๐Ÿ˜‚)
(And I kept complaining about how New Jersey poutine is ๐Ÿคฎ)
(Poor thing*shakes head*)
(Who is on besides Elisza?
(Itโ€™s Actually not even poutine...itโ€™s โ€œdisco friesโ€)
celesta looked up: carter??? what's up with him?
sorry. in class
Alex:He ran away...I think he went mad...
(*sigh* Where is the Manger of this place?)
(I donโ€™t know...)
(Okay...Elisza you must make homemade poutine!!)
(Yeah....I donโ€™t know how๐Ÿ˜‚)
(YouTube it!!!!)
(Ugh. I canโ€™t stand YouTube.)
(Google it)
(๐Ÿ˜‚The world literally relies on google)
(Nah. I rely on my show tunes.)
(Oh yeah, and all of you)
ohack im here
(Welcome backkkk)
yea I died after I said Iโ€™m. here last time
is poutine delicious
(It issss)
it is what does it taste like
(French fries gravy and cheese)
omg that my 3 fav foods ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
(Thatโ€™s Why Poutine is freakin Heaven)
why do we say hi so weirdly
Cause we are strange people
ahhhhh long story in my part
idk what poutine is..๐Ÿ˜‚
Google it
Or ask Alexa
noooo donโ€™t
oh it looks so good ๐Ÿ˜ซ
Boy:Alexa How do you make a grilled cheese sandwich? Gordon Ramsay:Your 31 And you donโ€™t even know how to make it?!? It says it says it in its name!
it is good caeli
It is HEAVEN!!!
omg I love that commercial ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
I want it๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ
what commercial...????
look up Alexa lost her voice itโ€™s a video
When Alexa lost her voice.
just do it elisza
please I beg of you
hmm other funny commercials๐Ÿค”
ohhhh I know one
puppy monkey baby
M&M one!!
guys you know what the most romantic you can say to someone is?
Azule: *stands up smiling a celesta and walks out to the edge of the mountain and looks at the sea below her crown becoming more clearly and sets down on her head*
what is it?
omg yeas when he becomes a old man๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ
Alex:*takes out a napkin holding it on her forehead trying to stop the bleeding*
oh yeah that was great ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ also the Alexa lost her voice one ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
โ€œI stop loving you when spongebob get his licenseโ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ
wait thought bomb
if spongebob lives in a circular pineapple why do the rooms have corners?
Yus it is.
Once my friend came into my house and started cutting all my pineapples in half looking for spongebob*
omg funny story I have to tell
wow ๐Ÿ˜‚
Eeeeeeegh I have to go take a shower, byeeeeeeee
Azule: *she jumped off the ledge into a perfect dive, her hair floating behind her.*
Iโ€™ll remix it๐Ÿ˜‚
meh is back!
can u make a new rp page?
Alex:*her forehead continues to bleed*
Azule: *she enters the ice cold water and takes a breath surprises when she can breath. suddenly a figure comes to her and sees her crown they immediately bow and pull her into a cavern.* hey where are you taking me!!!!!!
yea I can
(im just here singing in the backround)
(noice ๐Ÿ‘Œ AnnaBeth can talk to rose)
Alex:*Her ear is still ringing but hears Azule cries and stumbles down to the cavern*
azule: *the figure leads her into the cavern exposing a beautiful castle*
( my little brother stole my lollipop)
(NUU๐Ÿ˜ข!!!GET IT BACK!!!)
guys look at the keypad you see u and I together then underneath it says jk
lol i just noticed that!
CAELIIII can Brody please rp with Cara they haven't in foreverrrr