Hey flowers this is a collab with the amazing and stunning shandyXshore she did the bg and I did the text I love how this turned out going to try to post more and collab!


πŸ’—TapπŸ’— Hey flowers this is a collab with the amazing and stunning shandyXshore she did the bg and I did the text I love how this turned out going to try to post more and collab!

49 0
ahh cute!
sure what’s their user?
hey I’m good wbu?
oh ok I followed them!:))
amazing collage
I’m just trying my best lol
thx πŸ’•πŸ’•
yeah of course
great πŸ‘πŸ»
I have a contest and would super appreciate it if anyone could enter, I don’t have many contestants lol :) there are prizes
so pretty!
ofc i would! you just might hv to be patient with me bc i forget to check pc πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I love itttt
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check the chat page pls
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you are totally fine πŸ’ž i loved collaborating with you too and don't feel bad i just posted it like yesterday lol πŸ˜‚
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wowwwwee I wish I could make collages like u