life’s better on Saturn


life’s better on Saturn

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my fianceeeee 😍😍😍😍😍
ahhhhh 🥰
who’s that cutieeeee
so handsome
mine all mineewe
the quality is soooooo goood
the view 😍
yes, just me
i don’t know
you’re madddd
yesssss, i didn’t realize it until now that i haven’t been very vulnerable, shoutout to my stupid exes *shrugs and nods, looking at you* yea, i can tell by the way you talk about your mom and her way of showing her love to you and hannah
i hxte that it’s taking forever to work on *lays down and looks at the ceiling* yea i know :( but now you have new fanilyyyy, me and the kiddos
i might go sleepies very soon
i just need to try harder i guess *nods and stares at the ceiling* i know :( i wish i knew what to say or how to help, but there’s not much i can say or doooo
i love you tooooo
will you be here tkmorrow
it’s not even you, it’s just my past and ive just gotten used to not being so vulnerable so i unintentionally don’t show it, i don’t know *shrugs and nods* is anything else bothering you that’s making you so fidgety or is it just that?
not possible, i love you lost
and i owe you a make out session
yeaaa i guess i do.. let loose a little bit, i dontknoe how else to describe it right now.. i don’t know, i don’t realize what i do or don’t do sometimes until someone points it outtttt, but maybe it’ll happen more often now
it’s okayyyy, i was kind of joking about thattttt. i like when you do it
i guessss it just made me comfortable in that moment
i don’t know, im tireddddd and my head hurts
*shakes my head* i mean being more vulnerableeeee, i drink enough already lmaoo
i knowwwww
you didn’t make me uncomfortable, that wasn’t the issue
wow.. september.. we’re so close to one yearrrrr, can you believe it? *frowns a little then nods* i forogt about that, about him
good morning ❤️
how’d you sleep
it was good
are you busy tonight or tomorrow night
good, i hope i’ll still have time
i do too :( im sorry, i wasn’t feeling well and i fell asleep last night
it’s okay, i understand why you’d be worried and upset.. but i accept your apology and thank you for that, for not trying to make me not do something or have high expectations, im careful when i do it but i’ll never be like your dad.. in the past i think others have had expectations for me to stop doing things because they don’t like it and would have unrealistic expectations, so i really appreciate hearing that
i know you don’t like it, so i try to not do it around you but it’s not something someone can stop overnight
i guess im not too bad to be around when im drunk or high, i wasn’t thatttt drunk though 😂
i can be nice sometimesssss
i do that when im sober too 😂
im fun 😎
sometimes 😂
oh 😂
hehe i know
how? we were never enemies 😂
i know.. i don’t know where i’d be
i thought you didn’t like to drinkkkk
me neither
yea :) but only if you want to
that was impressive
hehe it will
you did
i was just rereading our conversations the other day, when we first kisseddddd, when you were talking about your crush
hehe i didn’t know thattttt, you made it seem like there was another girl
me too
i do? how?
i was going through a heartbreakkkk
aw hehe 🥺🥺
i love you sooooo much 🥰
are you free now
babyyyyy 🥺🥺🥺🥺
we can hangout now
no 😂
you’re making me blushhhh
hehe okay
shut up 😂
you knowwww
i’ll tape your lips shut
hmm how about a little candle lit indoor picnic in the living room?
i know, i love that about you:)
lmaoo weird 😂
yes, right now :) it’s already set up
i love your smile so so much, how caring you areeee, your handsome face, your soft lips, your pretty eyes, your warm hugs, your kisssessss
it’s okay
i don’t want to stay up too late tonight, but i do want to have this date
yessss i dooooo
hehe i’ve done it before
hopefully nottttt, i worked hard
*holds your hand and goes to the living room* i set it up over here *walks over the blanket*
*goes to sit down on the blanket*come
*opens the basket and starts to take the food out of it* not too longggg
oh, do you want to go to sleep?
i know *grins and sets the basket to the side* i love you too
are you sureeee
*smiles and picks up the container with the grapes* i packed fruittttt and made sandwiches anddddd drinks
okay, it’s already late now so im not sure how long i’ll stay.. maybe one more hour?
im glad it did ❤️
it just startedddd *opens the container and grabs a grape, holding up to your mouth*
*goes over to you*
i am capable of doing things like this *grabs another grape and eats it*
boringggg, yours?
*wraps my legs around your hips and arms around your neck and grins*
that’s good to know *grins and eats another grape then grabs one of the glasses*
still slow?
*grins and holds onto you, kissing you back*
im glad you love it *picks up a couple of bottles of water and a bottle of wine* i packed water and wineeee
i know
*kisses you back and grins against your lips as i slowly nod*
*opens the wine and pours some into both of our glasses* a glass or two won’t cause any damage
yea :)
*smiles and leans back against the wall* that was a nice kissss
it has its pros and cons *nods and takes a sip of mine before eating another grape* there’s strawberries for you in another container
*looks at you and raises an eyebrow* a sequel? hmm is it better than the first one?
*giggles softly and shakes my head* you’re welcome *looks and grabs my sandwich and takes out half of it, taking a small bite*
mm kisses all overrrr? what do you mean by that? i do love your kissessss
*chews it slowly before swallowing and nods, moving off of your lap onto the blanket and takes another bite*
mhmmm but you like to start things you can’t finish and i no likeyyy
i was just moving so you could journal *puts the rest of my sandwich away and sips my wine* that’s a good idea
yea sureeee, i don’t believe you
okayy *nods and finishes my glass of wine, pouring another one before eating another grape and putting the rest down*
i don’t, not until i see otherwise
actions say otherwise my love
i believe it, im awesome *grins and sets my glass down, folding my hands in my lap*
that’s fine, im just saying you have a habit of doing that and i don’t like it
i know *grins and plays with my fingers* but im glad you’re talking to someone and it’s helping
you said that last time
oh reallyyyy? *grins and grabs a few more grapes to eat* im glad
hmm okay
*looks up at you and grins* i love you tooooo so so much
im going to go to sleep soon, in ten minutes
mm drunk already?
i love you tooooo *slides off your lap and starts to pack everything away* lets wrap this up
you’re definitely a lightweight, maybe i shouldn’t have given you any 😂
it’s okay, i’ll do it *stands up and helps you up* i’ll help you get in bed before i go
i know love
cats are nice
remember i said i had to go soonmnm? i stayed a little later for you but i really can’t stay much longer *blows out the candles and holds onto you, helping you go upstairs*
too bad i can’t have one
you were definitely too drunk to make love 😂
to my lance? *leads you up to your room and pulls back the blanket, helping you lay down* yes, i’ll give you a kiss
keep it
im flattered
i do too sometimes
i told you to come live with meeee and you didn’t want tooooo *kisses your head* goodnight, i love you
that’s nice
i do, i stayed longer than i shoudl’ve
you’ll see me tomorrow if you’re not busy and when you’re not so drunk
i don’t know what that means, but okay.. i love you
you are
i know, i would stay longer if i could
i’ve already taken my pills
mine too
i do have six kids and four of them are girlssss, but it’s not too bad, they’re just kids.. it’s teenage years we have to worry about but i just thought we would at some point
it doesn’t matter now, i told you that months ago. i have to go now
good morning
you’re okay, it’s okay
noooo, you were nice
you’re nice sober and drunk
i just wasn’t expecting it, it happened quicklyyyy but you said you drank your aunt’s wine too
it wasn’t how i expected the date to go haha
it’s okay
yea that was funny
it’s fine
nothing right now, i might get groceries later
i don’t need money
you didn’t have to
i want to talk about something that’s been on my mind but i don’t know how to say it
or how to start the conversation
i already mentioned it last night, but you were drunkkkkk
but also.. i don’t know
it’s part of it, but i don’t know how to say it
but i feel like i should say something
especially since it’s related to us i guess
i don’t know how to say it
i don’t want it to come out the wrong way either
i fell asleep
wellll no
i really don’t know how to start the conversation, but i think it’s something i should say
and i think the lack of communication about it hurts couples in a way
im not going to say how because i don’t want you to think that’s where im headed, no no no no no
ugh i don’t know
welll ill start here, as you know i’ve already told you many times i dont like when you tease me
and i say don’t start what you can’t finish
and you still do and i don’t like that you play around like that
maybe you’re not playing around, but that’s what it’s looking like
yes, multiple times
okay, you just say that all of the time buttttt still do
and you know me really well
i can please myself to an extent, buttttt you know
im not satisfied
i don’t know, im tired
you know what
i went to sleep
i think it’s my ovulation week, im already going insane 😂
buttttt good morning handsomeeee
shut up 😂
i will
yea i always do 😂 handsome
i don’t have chains, i don’t use those or any of the sort 😂
i might sound crazy but i want you to do all of that and much more
you are kinky
okay, im here now :)
*raises an eyebrow and looks up at you* chocolate?
it was okayyyu, yours?
*holds onto you as i nod* yes, i have
you sure will and you will be the one to clean it up after sir
that’s good love, im happy for you :)
hmm.. let me think about it.. *pretends to think for a moment then shakes my head* no
it sounds cool and it sounds like you had fun
*shrugs and blushes, looking up at you* mm.. i do
good morning love
*bites my lip and tilts my head* mm that’s how i see it
no because that means other girls and guys will experience that 😡
that’s why im in charge, i get whatever i want 😌 *giggles softly and blushes deeply when you pin my throat down*
uh huh
i lnow 😂
hmm good question
*nods and bites my lip, starting to get wet as i watch you* y-you won’t hehe
no, then i’ll feel like a patient 😂
it’s a beautiful song :)
alot of love songs remind me of is
*shakes my head and moans softly* n-no.. not at a-all
okay 😂
i do tooooo
*blushes deeply and moans* i-i don’t know if i can do that
oh, you were serious about doing vital signs on me?
m-maybe a little *blushes and watches you* are you getting the syrup now?
when did i say that?
you’re actually going to take my vital signs?
im going to be sticky and smell like chocolate nowwwww *pouts a little then looks up at you and shrugs* if you want to i guess? 😂
okay, you’re forgiven
not really
*giggles and shrugs a little* i don’t know, it feels weird 😂
hmm okay
i’ve never had funny sxx *giggles and watches you* hehe you’re nakey
never heard of it
hmm i don’t knowww
how aboutttt
i don’t know 😂
im indecisive
wait i have an idea
i’ve always wanted to do this
water gun fight 😈
hehe okay, we can use the kids’s water guns 😂
yes *giggles and grabs them*
don’t roll your eyes at mee *goes to the kitchen*
hey that’s not fair, we have to go outsideeeee *pouts and runs after you*
oh i will *goes outside with you* im ready now
*squeals and turns to shoot your stomach before running away*
nooooo *squeaks and runs to the backyard to hide*
not really, i just wanted to do it 😂
*hides on the patio and tries to stay quiet, smirks and shoots water at you when you’re not looking*
*giggles softly and moves from my hiding spot to sneak around to the front yard from the other side*
noooooo no no no *runs away from you and goes to quickly refill my water gun*
*laughs and steps back and tries to shoot you back*
*looks around and frowns a bit, slowly walking* where did you go that fast
*jumps a little when you walk around and looks at you* you jumped from the window? which window?
*looks up at the window then looks over at you* that window? are you crazyy ?
yes cause you scared me *giggles and stands back, pointing my water gun at you* hehe you cant run
you diddddd and that’s a good idea *smirks and starts to shoot you all over*
really *giggles and spins around, going to hide while i shoot you*
hehe thank you
*laughs and comes out from where im hiding* hehe you’re out of water, which means….. i can attack *laughs and starts to spray you with the rest of my water*
that’s what she said *laughs and puts the water gun down* now i am too and it’s uncomfortable
what *giggles then crosses my arms and squints my eyes at you* what kind of truce?
are you tricking me or is this real *keeps my arms crossed and looks up at you*
hmm okay.. we can call a truce so i can dry off *looks at you and takes your hand*
i see that now, sorry *giggles softly and nods* yes yes yes *takes your hand and runs inside*
yes, i’ll race you *giggles and kicks off my shoes, running upstairs*
*runs into the room and giggles* hehe i win
im just faster than you *giggles and leans back against the wall to catch my breath*
it was, now im tired and all wet *giggles*
our closet *giggles and walks over to the closet, looking at my options*
we can shareeeee *giggles and puts on a t-shirt and shorts*
hmm *pretends to think for a moment and shrugs* i guessss i can share *giggles and shakes my head* im kidding, of course you can
i know i am *grins and sits down on the bed, looking at you* crop tops?
i don’t always have this confidence *lays back on the bed* ahhh
*shrugs a little and looks at the ceiling* i guess i do sometimes, but sometimes i really feel confident
when you don’t think about what others think of you, it becomes a little easier *nods and plays with the end of my shirt* but it’s hard when you criticize yourself the most
you’ll get there one day, i know you will *grins and looks at you for a moment before holding out my hand to you*
that’s just who you are, you can’t help it *shrugs and looks at you* some things you can’t change, you just have to learn to love yourself regardless and if it is something you want to work on, for example not taking everything to heart all of the time, you can work on that
i know, it sxxks alot :( all you can do is try to block it out? take that and use that to make you stronger, to show him you can do better without him
you don’t have to apologize, im glad you feel safe and comfortable enough to open up to me and i hope you will always feel that way when you’re around me, i love you so much and i want you to know you don’t have to face whatever problems you have alone, we’re here to help each other, support each other, love each other ❤️
no one is perfect, all of us have struggles and i know how you feel about your dad.. no matter what you’re always a part of him :( but you can take that and be the better part of him and one day he’ll regret it, he’ll regret everything he has done
i love you more
yea i get that.. even though it wasn’t planned, i think i wanted to be a mom so i can be a better parent than my father was and i was hoping their fathers would be.. better than mine, but :(
maybe it was :) once you build a bond with them and start to be a father figure in their life, you’ll be able to do that :) to be better than him
you don’t have to be perfect
*nods and lays down* don’t stress yourself out trying to be
*nods* if you think you need to
*looks over at you* what do you mean
mm they do feel a little different
i don’t know it just feels different
especially after you were gone for a while
not really, i just missed you while you were gone and im so used to you being around, i just had to make myself get used to when you’re not here and get more.. comfortable with being by myself and not having you around like i did
it’s okay, i know you can’t always be here and i just get lonely easily
yea and just changes happened, i don’t know? i feel different but i don’t know what it is
but i’ve noticed it for a while
maybe it’s me being cautious and kind of.. i don’t know, just last time someone disappeared like that for a month well.. you know what happened..
yea i know we will :)
mm yea, but i still need to protect myself
what have we argued about
im okay
yes yes yes yes
*holds onto you when you carry me and lays down once im on your bed*
*nods and lays on my side, looking up at you* okay
good morning ❤️
people, always people
im okay
me and ella are going to make ice cream sundaes
it’s one of the things that could
cuddles, but i don’t want grapes
i have ella with me thoughhh
we can all cuddle
yesssss, it’s ella
come in *lays on the bed with ella in my arms*
*looks up at you and waves* hi -e
good but im tired *smiles and yawns* -e / she had a busy day today
i just saw this, thank you :)
hello ❤️
hmm do you think he should join us? *looks down at her and smiles* / *thinks then nods, scooting over to make more room* -e
it was okay, how was yours?
*holds her close to me and closes my eyes* / *yawns and looks at you* really? -e
that’s good, how was it?
*kisses her head* / i don’t know how to braid *looks down at your hair and giggles a little* that tickled -e
that’s good love, im glad
mommy is taking a nap / i do *smiles* -e
i missed you too
i thought we were cuddling with mommy *looks at you then rubs her eyes*
mm it’s not really fun, but i went with my mom to the store to help her get a few things to replace in the house
then we can cuddle with mommy? *looks at you*
she needed a couple of appliances and she wants a new table for the dining room
we found a nice one, she’s excited
i will *places the hair clips and ties in her lap and looks at your hair* hmm today im going to give you…. pigtails!
i know.. i almost want to do it too but i can’t afford that 😂 yes i can, what is it?
i do pigtails in my mommy and my daddy’s hair when we play hair salon *grabs a hair tie and starts with the first pigtail* mommy gives me pigtails too
you don’t have to do that love, my mom and her fiancé got it but she would appreciate the offer *takes the baker kit and smiles, looking at it* she’d love this, she’s going to be excited
mommy teach me how *makes the first pigtail, making sure it’s not tight then grabs the hair tie for the second one* i play hair salon at my sleepover and my mommy did our hair
she recently got engaged to her boyfriend she’s been with for a few years, he’s a good guy :)
*puts a few clips in your hair and yawns, looking at you a little confused* what?
oh okay *takes your hand and goes to sit down with you*
what do you mean
*nods slowly and looks at you* you’re mommys boyfriend
well i was thinking no because that would be the.. smart decision
i don’t know if they started planning yet
*looks at you and smiles* i like when mommys happy
well yes, it’s hard enough taking care of six kids on my own and so much is changing, is harder to financially and im just not going to go through the cycle of having another baby and getting left again
i am too, he makes her really happy and she deserves that
*smiles at you and points to herself* me?
yea, we did talk about this before.. *looks at you and folds my hand in my lap* what made you want to ask?
i hope they never fall out of it
i love my mommy *takes the rest of the hair clips and puts them on the counter*
yea i remember you mentioning it when we started talking, im sorry. i can’t.. i can’t keep letting this happen to me over and over again, having a kid and the father leaving after it’s born and im left alone to figure things out myself.. six kids alot and im barely making it now, i let myself fall for it too many times. it’s bad enough i already have six kids by four different guys and only one is still around taking care of their child, it sounds terrible and i sound like a fxcking whxre 😂.. not that i care, but it’s probably best if i don’t have anymore, i don’t want to have more and i can’t take care of them
yea :)
i always tell mommy i love her and give her a hug and kiss *nods and yawns* im done
im sorry
yay *smiles and giggles, getting up* thanks for coming to my salon
yea but.. i don’t know
*crawls over and lays down, making sure to leave room for you*
well now in pxssed
i wish everyone would just leave me alone
im fxxking tired
imeokay now
my sister was being a bxtch again
she always feels like she has to say something and give her opinion on something
i don’t want to talk about it anymore or ill get mad again
yes i do
*holds onto you and nods* a little
*shrugs a little and plays with my fingers* i don’t know
*looks at you and nods slowly* okay
*nods and takes your hand*
okay *goes with you and sits down*
*waits and looks at you when you come to sit down* thanks
*looks at you and nods* im calmer now
*nods* sometimes it’s hard to communicate when im angry.. but being around you does help alot *nods and opens my mouth*
*slowly chews the grape and nods* that’s normal too
i know baby
*chews it slowly and nods* yes i think so, but i don’t think it would really surprise me
i had to work today and ella has her last competition tonight
*swallows it and shakes my head* because i know you and i know you’re emotional
yea she is, you’ll have to come see her sometime
it’s who you are, im emotional sometimes too *shrugs a little and slowly opens my mouth*
mhmmmm, she did great
she didn’t win but she had fun and she was happy we were there to watch
*chews it slowly and nods* i know, but that’s why you’re getting help with that
i try to be there, if i can’t be drake is
*looks at it and shakes my head* no.. what other fruit do you have?
mm not really, why?
*shakes my head* i can’t have strawberries and i can’t eat that if they’re all mixed together *stands up*
oh okay, i don’t think there’s anything i want to talk about.. just my sister being a bxtch and jealous for no reason, but i don’t want to talk about her
oh okay *grins and nods* im just going to grab something to drink
no, why would you be? she doesn’t even know you.. but you don’t have to talk to her, my mom is going to try to
i noticed it but i wasn’t really sure.. what happened?
i was just going to get a water but that doesn’t sound to bad either *giggles softly and grabs a bottle of water from the refrigerator*
no, i still think it’s because of the house but i don’t know why
it’s not stupid, how come?
yea? so you like when im drunk? *comes back over with my water and grins, sitting your lap*
i don’t know, she’s married, she’s happy, she has kids, she has a beautiful home and she lives in another state and she is a stay at home mom, i don’t understand what her problem is
hm :( maybe you just need to do something to make yourself feel good about yesterday? maybeeeee a self care day and positive talk or journaling, sometimes the person who criticizes you the most is yourself
*opens my water and drinks some before putting it on the table* i do that when im sober too
have you talked to your therapist about this?
you’re not the only person who has told me that so i guess it must be true *nods and grabs a blueberry to eat* but you’re right, i guess im still working on being vulnerable.. but it doesn’t come naturally
i could try, but i think she left already
yea that might be why :(
*eats the blueberry and nods, picking up my water again* what do you mean?
yea.. i understand that :(
yea.. i get it, my dad completely changed when i got pregnant with ella and when he found a new family, the way he has treated me and his absence still effects me today. having even just one absent parents makes a difference and i can’t imagine what it’s like having two absent parents :( im sorry you had to experience everything.. but know that im proud of you and i think you’re doing an amazing job, even if you didn’t have him around to do all of that, you learned to do it on your own and i know you’d rather have a father who can teach you all of those things, give you that validation, alll of it.. but you don’t need him either, you dont need his validation or his advice because he couldn’t even do all of that on his own for his own family and you’re so much better than him
but i also know that no matter how fxxked up the father or even the mother may be, everyone needs their mother and their father
oh yea.. i guess im just not that good at it, with words.. not like i used to anyway *moves so you can get up and sits in my chair*
i know love :(
but you’re nothing like him and you don’t want to be like him and that’s good, you recognize that and you can avoid it.. and you’re getting help for it
i understand that and you have the right to feel that way, how you feel is valid
it sxxks that even though your dad is still alive, he’s still not here.. and it doesn’t feel fair
*nods and drinks more of my water and eats one more blueberry*
i know :(
don’t let it happen.. i know anything can change at anytime, but if you really don’t want to be like him then you won’t let it get to that point and one thing you have that he doesn’t have is a heart and you feel deeply and care deeply for yourself and others
yea :(
okay, i’ll try *stands up and grabs the containers, going to put the in the refrigerator* we’re just different, im more physical when it comes to showing my love and you’re more verbal
im sorry, is there anything i can do to help you cheer up? even just a littleeeee bit?
there isn’t anything you could’ve done to stop it and i hope you don’t blame yourself for it in anyway, he’s a fxxked up person and all of it is his fault :( i wish i could’ve met her too
*smiles and blushes, leaning into you and resting my head on your chest* i love physical touch, i used to crave it alot, as a kid my parents used to always give me hugs and hold me to calm me down when i was upset, it was soothing
i can do that, you know i loooove cuddles
you wouldn’t be able to prevent them from meeting and if they never met, you and hannah wouldn’t be here
maybe *looks up at you and smiles* and you are the most handsome man i’ve ever seen 🥰
i always try to *crawls into bed with you and lays in your arms*
it’s okay
*giggles softly and puts my finger up to your lips* shhhhhh
i know *grins and watches you, moving around a bit to make myself comfortable*
*keeps my finger on your lips and shakes my head* shhhhhhhhh
okay, i love you too
we are very close *grins and snuggles up close to you* te amo
*looks up at you and shrugs, grinning as i move my finger from your lips* hmm i don’t know
*shakes my head and looks up at you* nooooo, i like this alot
im not opposed to that idea *smirks and blushes deeply when you pin me to the wall, kissing you back*
i wish we could be closer *giggles softly and closes my eyes, clinging to you*
is that so? *smirks and looks up at you, kissing you back* ugh maybe you shouldn’t wear those out of the house then? i don’t need anyone else thinking my man is fxxkable when they see you in scrubs
no *laughs softly and opens my eyes to look up at you for a moment* i need to be in your skin
maybe more protective than jealous? but i just need them to remember you’re mine and mine only and only i can determine how fxxkable you are *looks up at your eyes and blushes deeply*
*thinks for a moment then giggles softly* mm i had to think about what you meant for a moment 😂
*tilts my head a bit and slowly smiles, keeping my eyes on yours* mm go ahead doctor, there’s nothing wrong with a little check up ;)
that’s what im here for *smiles and kisses your cheek* sometimes you just need someone to listen
*playfully rolls my eyes and giggles softly* nurse, doctor.. whatever, let’s not ruin the moment 😂 *watches you and crosses my arms* mm i don’t?
everyone deserves to have someone who does that.. it’s the bare minimum *nods and opens my eyes to look at you*
alright sir, you lead the way *grins and stands up*
*nods and looks down as i trace shapes lightly with my finger on your chest* yea
i think you look hot in anything, why would i disagree? *walks over to sit on your bed*
i’ll tape your mouth shut
i know, im very thankful *grins and kisses your chest*
ahhhh i see *laughs softly and nods, starting to take off my clothes*
kinky 😂
*smiles and closes my eyes again* i love you
o-oh *blushes and lets out a soft moan, my juices soaking your fingers*
im datING a nerd
*grins and blushes as i yawn* im a very lucky girl
*moans softly and nods, biting my lip as i nod* y-yes sir
oh really?
im always sleepy *giggles softly and slowly opens my eyes as i nod*
*bites my lip and blushes, getting comfortable* i don’t remember this being a part of the exam
thanks *smiles and kisses your cheek before closing my eyes again*
mm i thought i was supppised to take them off before but im already in this position so i can do that after
*grins and relaxes, yawning again*
*makes sure im comfortable and nods* yes sir, im comfortable
good afternoon love
*nods and slowly starts to drift off*
im okay.. maybe feeling a little uneasy right now
*falls into a deep sleep, snoring lightly as i cling to you*
i dint know, i guess im nervous
i don’t know..
i guess it’s just me
not nervous.. but just for once i decided to put myself first and now i just feel..
guilty i guess? i don’t know if that’s the right word..
how’d you know it was about mere
it’s nothing serious, she just asked for a favor but i said no, i didn’t really have a good reason besides i just didnt want to
and i still feel bad because she’s my sister and im closest to her
she’s someone i have a soft spot for
i have alot of things coming up for the next few weeks and im already stressed
im trying to prepare myself
and enjoy the little bit of freedom i have now and relax before it gets busy
im not upset with her
she wanted me to watch her son for the weekend
it’s also my friends birthday weekend and she asked me to go out with her first
i don’t know if she ever asked him
*goes into your arms and hugs you*
too late now
*hugs you back and nods* im feeling okay now
*nods and keeps my arms around you* mhm and i forgot to take my meds agai
*nods and lets go of you, going to grab a bottle from the refrigerator*
im going to go take them *takes the water and goes upstairs*
*goes into my room and gets them then comes back downstairs*
*sits down and puts them in my mouth, opening my water to drink some*
*swallow it and puts the bottle of water down once im done*
hmm i don’t know *sits down and thinks* we coulddddd watch a movie?
im fine
yes iI am
noooo i don’t want to cuddle right now
nooooo, i want to move around
how about you walk and you carry me
really? *giggles softly and goes into your arms* i thought it would take more convincing
*giggles and nods* i am a princess, i am the princess *smiles and holds onto you* i do this with my brother too 😂
hey *rolls my eyes and laughs softly* if you were someone else i would’ve hit you for saying that, but in a playful way obviously 😂
because you say im always mean to you so im not going to because im nice to youuuuu *giggles and keeps my arms around your neck* and that’s just how i am with others, some friends and family but not everyone plays around that way
*kisses you back and nods, looking up at the hill* yea i do and you know why
yea *sits on the grass and shrugs, starting to pull on pieces of grass* im fine
*pulls a few pieces out of the grass and plays with them in my hands* what is there to talk about
it sounds like you covered anything, what more is there to say? *keeps my eyes on the grass*
what else is there to say? *moves my hands and plays with the grass*
*kicks the grass and shakes my head* i have nothing to say
i don’t want to think about it or talk about it *crosses my arms and turns away*
okay, i love you
it’s fine *pulls my knees up to my chest and looks at the sky*
*thinks for a moment then nods*
how could i say no *starts playing with my shirt*
well i am now
*looks up at the sky and leans back against your chest* it is a nice view
im sure, not because of you
*nods and watches the clouds* yea, especially by a river or a waterfall, hearing the water also makes it peaceful
im okay now, good morning
*mods* sometimes when im upset i like to go outside, to the park or the beach
*nods and looks at the view, starting to play with my bracelets*
*looks at you then shakes my head* no
thanks *looks down at my hand and slowly grins* i think im ready to go home now
*grins and stands up, getting on your back* yeaaaaaa hehe
who wouldn’t like them? they’re fun *holds onto you*
*nods and looks around* yes i remember, kids love to be carried
*takes off my shoes once you put me down and locks the door*
thanks *grins and goes to sit on the couch* i still have the other ring you gave me
i do, it’s with the rest of my jewelry *lays my head in your lap*
i wouldn’t just get rid of it *closes my eyes*
*opens my eyes and looks up at you* yes?
*closes my eyes again and nods* im fine
*nods again* that’s what i said
*opens my eyes and looks at you* what’s wrong
*frowns a little and nods* okay, if you say so but it came out of nowhere
oh okay, i understand *nods and starts to sit up* how about we take a nap? or watch a movie?
*nods and stands up* well have more room if we go upstairs
okay, that’s good
mm what is it? *looks over at you*
no, just workkkkk
what about you?
yes i can get that, it’s not a big dealllll *grins and looks at you* i’ll get them now
that sounds fun
yes, but i can’t get them if you hold me here *giggles softly*
im glad you had fun baby
your still holding onto me, i can’t go anywhereeeee
goodddd but it was tiring, i had to workkkkk and i went to the gym and was hanging out with austin
how was your day
i will be right backkkkk *goes into the kitchen and grabs a plate then grabs the carrots
oh i know
that’s good
i know *washes and cuts the carrots, putting them onto the plate*
*puts the dip on the plate and brings it over to you*
you’re welcome *takes your hand and shakes my head* i don’t want any, but thanks love
it’s really no problem *grins and kisses your cheek* enjoy your carrots handsome
*grins and starts to clean up in the kitchen* hmm i don’t know if i have one, but i’ll eat carrots and celery
yes i do *puts the dishes into the dishwasher and wipes the counter* it’s okay
i try to get the good carrots *smiles and starts it once it’s loaded* i need to change
are you done? *looks at you and grins* you can stay and finish your carrots, i won’t be long
okay *holds your hand and walks upstairs, shaking my hesd* no, i just want to wear something comfy
but aren’t they at your house? *goes into my room and goes to the closet*
but they’re new.. you haven’t worn them yet? *grabs a pair of sweatpants and a top*
oh okay *grins and changes then looks in the closet and starts taking out some of your hoodies*
thats what im doing now *looks through my closet for more and brings them over, setting them beside you*
i do love your clothes *grins and sits on the bed* as long as you’ve already worn your new clothes, i’ll take them
what do you mean? im giving your other ones back but i meant if you haven’t worn the new ones you got yet, im not taking them
whatttt? what is it?
really *smiles and takes your hand* what kind of nostalgic date?
hmm are you sure? the aquarium date is hard to beat *holds your hand and walks with you*
i had a dream last night
wow this is.. *looks around and smiles* this is amazing and creative
hehe welllll
*grins and holds your hand, walking over to the tent*
whattttt 😏
*looks around the tent then looks at you and nods* yes i remember
i dreamt of..
i remember *grins as i watch you* i remember you learned how to play guitar for me too
if you want to 😏
i still can’t believe you learnt to play for me.. i’ve never had anyone play guitar for me, not the way you did *grins and holds your hand*
it wasn’t very interesting,, it could’ve been better but it was still…. you know 😳
it worked, you made me feel that.. you still make me feel that way *grins and blushes* i love you so much
uhhhhh 😳
so do you *smiles and nods, standing up*
*grins and walks with you* this one is my favorite too
teekki marigha that I’m safeee
*looks up at the wall and grins as i nod* it was a fun date
who wouldn’t be excited
*grins and stands up with you* is it what i think it is
mm the date we had when you proposed? *follows you over and looks at the doodles*
oh *smiles and nods, looking over at the area* i remember this day too, i really wanted you to kiss me
the proposal? it’s my favorite too *grins and sits down with you*
me neither and you sang it in spanish.. it was amazing
good afternoon ❤️
*holds your hand and nods* i know you tried your best and i love that you tried
imisssdyou too
yes you do, you really do.. and you understand me *looks up at you and grins*
tired, you?
*nods and smiles* we are, you’re my soulmate
okay *takes your hand and stands up*
mariah burrito? 😂
i miss you so muchhhh
so so much
which lips 😏
im kidding lmaoo 😂
yes you can hehe
*walks over with you and smiles*
this is another one of my favorites^
i can tell 😂
*goes over to you*
*sits down with you under the tent* mm no
make me
whatttttt nooooo
*holds onto you and looks at your eyes as i nod* oh yea
that was a silly question so i had to give you a silly answer *looks over at where you’re looking and grabs the guitar^
hmm i think im going to post today
la la la la la la
my lips haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already stuttering *giggles and kisses the corner of your lips*
come onnnnn, you should know me better than that *looks down at the guitar and shrugs, strumming the cords a bit* hmm i don’t know
im going to remake the bios once i figure out how to make them
la la la la la la la la
i know, eye contact makes you melt instantly *giggles and kisses the corner of your lips again before you lay me down*
i remember too, but im not the best teacher.. im still learning myself *grins and thinks for a moment* i remember when i taught you how to dance.. tried to teach you
la la la la la la
mm i think you can *looks up at you and smiles* you have done it before
i remember that too *giggles softly then nods* yes i remember that too
*tilts my head a bit and blushes deeply, biting my lip* ay dios mio.. that was hot
to you? yes.. to what you were studying? no *giggles softly and rests my head against yours*
y-yea *blushes more and pulls you closer to kiss your lips*
mm i don’t think so *giggles softly and shrugs* im not interested in school
i didn’t know that
yea 😂
*grins and wraps my arms around your neck, kisses you back deeply*
who wouldn’t? i brag all of the time *takes your hand and looks down at your fingers* we need to get married
i knew thattttt
it’s fun 😂
*kisses you and smiles against your lips*
*nods and plays with your fingers as i nod slowly* i hope we can.. maybe in the afternoon?
*pulls away for a moment and looks up at you* do what?
yea im okay, im just not 100% sure i will be available friday.. but i want us to get married
everything i do is cute? *smiles wider and rubs your cheek with my thumb*
*looks at you and nods* okay
hehe okay, let’s continue makeout time *kisses your lips again*
*nods and lays down*
*pulls you close to me and kisses you deeply*
*closes my eyes*
*helps you pull off your shirt and blushes* hehe my hot fiancé
*grins and looks up at you* was this the last date you had set up?
*giggles softly and smiles* hehe you’re stuttering again
*nods and sits up* i thought this was the last one since you asked to cuddle
thanks baby 🥰
really? i hxte wearing glasses 😂
buttttt they’re new and i like them
a little
i’ve been trying to for monthsssss
you can have kisses for free
yea i know, like when i call you my handsome spidey boy *grins and looks up at you*
i thought dancing in the rain was something we also did during the first date or before we started dating *walks over and looks at it* i remember this
hmm i don’t know, i wear contacts more often
i’ll bite you either way
then come get kisses
whattttt *sits up a little and fixes my shirt*
it was raining and we were slow dancing 😂 anddddd we were very blushyyyyyy and your palms were sweaty *grins and sits back*
for what 😂
i know 😂
*grins and kisses your lips*
im always making you red *giggles softly
*looks up at the clouds and smiles when they light up* wow.. how did you do that?
no 😂
lmaoo you thought i was crazy for doing that to someone else 😂
*smiles and looks at you* hehe tomato
whatttt noooo *laughs and squirms when you start to tickle me* n-noooo
*giggles and nods* you didn’t leave out a single detail huh? *grins and looks at them* i like them
lmaoo i don’t do that anymore 😂
im not a bully 😂
*squeals and laughs, squirming around more* no no nooooo, this isn’t fairrrrr
yea, it’s really nice.. all of this is amazing *looks over at you and smiles* thank you
that’d be funny
what 😂
*rolls my eyes and shakes my head* i didn’tttttt grrrr
i feel all of those and much more *lays down and looks up at the clouds* this was creative
i know
hmph fine *sits down and scoots away from you, crossing my arms*
*grins and nods* ive never seen a date like this before
mm no *turns away from you*
*looks at them and nods* i agree, all of them are special
*glances over at the bouquet in your hand* hmm how did you make those appear
i know, but where did you just get it from *looks at you then looks at the bouqet* it’s nice
i know, but.. nevermind *nods and lays down*
no, im fine *shakes my head* thanks for the bouquet
but i am *sits up and gets up*
how would you know that *grabs my phone
nothing *checks my phone*