Collage by JustArt04


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come on u hoès read it i worked hard on this
i literally know you stopped reading it smh
I read it hey
Nonono I read the whole thing. i really like this writing like using a song lyric and expanding on it.
no no don't worry I read the whole thing
this is really good
yo i'm here for you dude
it's super cool seeing how you're able to put personal memories into writing in such a way that it becomes meaningful. I hope everything's going okay, and a small piece of advice based on the lyric: remember that loving someone should never seem like a chore. there's no point in throwing everything you have into one person if it drains you. stay safe, love
love is pain. they go hand in hand. falling in love is simultaneously he best and worst thing I've ever felt. but dàmn, would I take all that pain just to have the good parts too
^deep. but i totally agree with you. i guess thats just life, you learn from pain, and when you learn, you find out how to love.
okay, it's not them though?