Collage by lovers-


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my baby is so beautiful as always
how are you bubbs
I'm good bubbs
that good bubbs! hows axel ?
aww I'm happy for axel, has he started school?
oh okay that cool, does he like daycare?
aww that good I'm glad and happy for him
do you want to do something ml?
what do you want to do
we can shop and then come back and do something else *smirks*
okay, to the mall we go *grabs my keys while smiling*
*puts my shoes on, fixing my pants from the bottom*
*waits for you, admiring you*
okay lets go *hands you my hand so you can use me to help you up*
holds your hand when you get up and kisses it*
okay lets go babe *lets go of your hand and walks to the front door*