I love you so much baby I don't want anyone else but you


I love you so much baby I don't want anyone else but you

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She didn't hurt lucas😌😀lucas told her he "didn't know if they were in relationship"
hey I'm tellin you now if you wanna hate on her then you better watch yourself!!!!-David
you want your kids back?? FXCKING take them I don't need them!!!
if you try and ruin this relationship.. you have a lot coming your way
You can keep the kids Lucas there better off with you and Hanna me and David have Kennedy and one on the way have the kids and trust me after this you won't see me talk about you or the kids or your girlfriend so keep the kids and have the life you need with them
It doesn't matter cam she's not the only one who hates me or understands the struggle
Cam I'm not talking about you not understand it I'm talking about other people
How am I causing drama cam
Wow that's so causing drama cam
Ok what do you want to talk about
Ummm..pizza why
Oh *cries* I'm in so much pain
*holds your hand tight* sorry bro and ok
*looks at you* hey I got this ok bro calm down
Ok if I have to I'm gonna stick both of you in a room together and won't let you out till you guys figure everything out
Cam she is pregnant there's nothing you can do about it cuz I can tell you one thing she's not aborting that baby so you have to come up with something
So am I and Lexi is here
Why are you asking me if it settled things
What kind of advice
Ik that but advice about what
Ok what kind of advice about Maddie
Cam tell me
Idk bro do what you think is best and Maddie really did love you cam and she still does
No I'm not cam why would I just say that
Ik cam just tell her how you feel
Bro can I tell you something plzzzz
Ok You're probably gonna think I'm crazy but oh well
Cam we were like super close then we started fighting about everything and now you're leaving I love you like a real brother no joke and honestly I wish you were my bro in real life and not just that I wish you could stay but I wish you the best I love you bro
Ig my words mean nothing i shouldn't have said anything
You never say it unless I get upset cuz you don't seem happy I said something like that
Nvm it doesn't matter *looks at Lexi*
*chnages Lexi's dipper* i love you bro and you know I do
hey Chloe I'm back just got home... oh u to cam
Ik bro and hi Aj
wait ur leaving for good now cam?!?
goodbye..... I love u...
*hugs you tightly before you go* I love you too cam
yes bro
ik she got married bro i didnt go to the wedding
come here bro *opens my arms*
its ok bro im not mad *hugs you and rubs your back*
*softly scratches your back* ik bro
*looks at you* bro yo know what you gotta do
*lifts your chin up* bro you have to tell maddie your sorry for everything by cetching her off gard with something
whats one thing you usd to do to cetch me off gard
i would say cetch her off gard with a kiss but i feel like thats a bad idea
idk bro some people react differently
awe im sorry bro
i am bro i promise
i would try fixing things with maddie first then i would give everything sometime and hopefully do whats best
thats what i would do if i were you but its up to you bro
bro hold on i will
ok like what do you mean by tell you how i really feel and be honest about you
bro your a great guy anyone is lucky to have you in they're lives even tho you can be a pain and be stuborn i still love you you have hurt me in the past but im over that cz we fight and makeup like no tomorrow you need to let people in and let them be there like me and honestly if they dont like you then forget them because your aweome bro and i think you should at least try and be friends withmaddie to make things right cuz you both deserve the best
you dont have to leave me alone bro your fine
np i love you and ps its your nieces birthday tomorrow
ok she'll be 5 and she loves lexi bro
yeah lexi is asleep and thats what me and david are getting ready to do is go to sleep
yeah its been busy day with lexi being here
ik i saw it was good bro
you said you were gonna stop talking about me after that message you sent but no it was one of your bΓΌllshΓ―t lies
stop worrying about what I'm doing and worry about yourself!!
hey bro and i dont care that i lost him hes happy with who hes with and so am i. i have a happy family and thats all that matters
im tired of being blown up on by him over me saying one thing about him and what i said about him wasnt even bad
Yeah cuz he pΓ―ssed me off
I'm sorry bro and I'm getting ready to go off bro no joke
You want me to bro
Ok basically Lucas is acting like the kids don't igsit he wanted them when we split up so I gave him the kids now he doesn't want them wants nothing to do with them I can't do anything for them cuz he wanted them and ugh just everything is so complicated and idk what to do
*sighs* this is stressful
I'm getting ready to go on private bro I'm so done
Yes and sorry bro
I'm not going on private bro I love you
No I love you more bro
I did read it I liked it too☺️
Yeah ❀️😘 Best bro ever
I love you bro
It's Kennedys birthday your niece and you can text her and tell her happy birthday
What comment and I can't delete anything and I am smiling
Yes I promise *looks at Lexi sleeping*
She's smiling in her sleep
Yeah she's cute
I'm not cute bro she doesn't get it from me
Thanks bro and ok but I'm not cute she gets her cuteness from her daddy not me
I'm not cute bro how am I cute honestly
Like what bro???
Awe I didn't know that
And thanks for the πŸ™„ Bro πŸ˜’πŸ’”
Nothing is wrong...I can tell I'm bothering you so I'm leaving you alone
When I asked you to message me back you commented on my other post and said I responded πŸ™„ So that made me feel like I was bothering you
Will you delete it when you make it
I love you too bro and if if I do or not plus why aren't you talking to me much now we were talking a lot more till now
I talk to a lot of people sometimes but I never forget about you
It's fine bro
Hey it's Rae bae πŸ˜‚
Hey and I had a baby
CHLOE! *runs to u crying*
Yes sis *hugs you* what's wrong
Congrats Chloe! What's the baby's name? πŸ˜†
Her name is Lexi
sorry I was eating I'm back
Cute! πŸ’•
Yeah and I'm engaged
Hey and sorry about what
Ok and can we take a break from talking for a while like maybe a week plzzz
To David? Congrats, girly! πŸ’•
Yeah to David I'm really happy with him
You're not gonna lose me I promise I just feel like we need a break from talking I think it's best for us
It may not even be a week it might be a couple days ok but I promise you won't lose me
Ok after tonight is when it starts ok
Then why'd you bring it up the other night I almost lost the love of my life
I cried my eyes out cuz I said what I did I almost lost David and if I did I would've left pc but we're still together and I'm happy cuz he mean everything to me he means more to me that Lucas ever did I'm sorry about it but it's not just my fault
You don't seem like you want me to be your sis your talking to me on my account everytime I say something to you in your account you ignore me and text me on here
But that doesn't mean you ignore me on your account you know you can talk to me I'm trying to change I'm trying to help you when you need me bro
Will you answer me on your account
Why would it be easier
David can see our conversation either way if we talk on here or your account he can see it and Ik why he does but if you want we can talk on here
Ok so do you want to just talk on here bro
So then tell them you need some space for a while bro do what you know is best for you in here for you bro *hugs you*
Ok you I'm here
Bro that's why you talking to one girl that meets what you're looking for and if she's not the one then you move to the next I understand how you feel but you have to us my advice sometime you always ask for my help but do you use what I say
I don't know what to do cuz everything I just said was advice I hugged you once and didn't say it would be ok
Ok but if you don't want my help it's fine I'll leave you alone
I don't know who that is bro
Why tell me what's wrong
Told you that you would be friends but nope you didn't think it would happen your welcome bro and idk where she's at she maybe with Chloe
Does she know this bro cuz if not you should tell her I want you happy
Lucky you I haven't talked to her or Chloe much...πŸ˜’πŸ˜”πŸ’”
Yeah Ik im not aloud to say anything to anyone about it
yeah shes one person i cant lose in my life over me saying something personal
yeah ive lost her before and im never letting go but we've been sisters for a year now
yeah me and her met around this time las year shes changed me and helped me so much
yeah we both do things for each other inreturn
yeah *shivers*
*moves it and puts davids jacket on* truth
I've been on pc for a year or two I'm not sure
Hey bro sorry they let us out of school early today because of the tropical storm that's coming
Yeah are you ok bro??
Why what happened bro
What that's messed up.. Who is he saying anyway
Wow that's messed up
Idk bro I did like them all but I unliked them I'll like them if you want me to
Ok I liked them all bro
Np and if this Grayson kid doesn't stop I'll give him a piece of my mind for you bro
Ok I won't and what do you mean something is wrong with Maddie
She's not acting weird around me right now
Ok and idk what's wrong
Yeah I hope it doesn't have to do with Chloe cuz if it does I'll be a mess
I'll try bro
I'm not bro geese I was just gonna see if there was anyone for her to talk to
How bout this you can leave me alone now
Ik you do I was just trying to help my sister out and now you want me to just back off so if you want to yell at me then I'll leave
Then why do you want me to back off cam...
I love you too pain in the bΓΌtt and ok depends on what we do
*hugs back and looks down* it's fine and idk
*looks at you* I'm sorry bro I miss David and idk where he's at but they were just on not that long ago
But I am *covers my face and hugs you*
If you say so *laughs a lil*
Tell her how you feel bro it's the best thing you can do or put some thought into what you feel is best
Then I don't know what to do bro ask someone else then cuz idk anymore if you have to ask a guy what they think you should do cuz ig I don't help much
It won't be just us lexis coming with us
What do you not want Lexi to come?? And idk anywhere is fine
Bro right now I really don't care if we go somewhere or stay here I need to know tho
*lexi gets fussy* make me happy by doing what bro
Anything really and if she starts chewing your finger it's cuz she's hungry
If she's hungry yes I need to feed her but if not then I don't have to
Idk you tell me your holding her bro
Ok I'll go upstairs to feed her and I just got told something I'll tell you when I'm done feeding Lexi
*starts feeding lexi* it's fine ig
*burps lexi and smiles* awe bro I like it
*puts Lexi in her swing and smiles* yeah is that a good thing bro
*smiles* so what are we doing
ok lol is this supposed to make up for earlier
awe you really are the best bro in the world
only a good sis thanks
ik its cuz im special thats why
*looks at you* im more than just a good sis cuz i made david dinner
yeah i would've made you dinner to but you seemed busy
no i made david dinner before that bro
Ik bro and did you see who I was talking to last night
What do you mean about me and Matt talking
Yeah it wasn't bad but I want to be friends with him and work things out that happened
Yeah I'm not gonna hurt David cuz I really love him
Yeah *hears lexi*
I think trying to make things up to me didn't work out
Last night you were trying to make everything up to me and we didn't do anything you stopped texting me
I finished making him dinner before that
Yeah we can do your plans now if you want
Ok I'll let you go
What do you want me to say to her bro
sup πŸ˜‚
Ok I will and why do I exist bro I don't understand
I will talk to her I promise and irdk what to do anymore bro I ruin everything I have and every chance I get *cries*
I tried being friends with him he doesn't want to get attached
I love you and David both bro but I need to go on private
Ok I'll stay
I am getting my mind off of things David made it better
Ok I will when she answers me ok I promise bro *kisses your head* I won't let you down
Really cam I just started talking to her I didn't know that she was on till I saw her message on Sams page ok but if that's how it's gonna be then I won't say anything to her I said I was gonna talk to her for you and now that she's on I will but I guess you don't want me to
Yeah I'm not ignoring you cam why would I ignore you
Come here bro *holds my arms open* I talked to her
*rubs your back and whispers in your ear* I always talk to Sam bro what's going on
What makes you think she's gonna leave bro
Bro I don't think she's gonna leave
yes cam
*looks down* look at what she just told me on her page
i think i talked her out of it im not sure and why can't we all just be happy
ik you are bro i can never get you to smile
ik i want you to but i cant get you too
yeah im sorry about all of this bro
stop talking to who bro
why bro
tell me why
ik hes my ex but im not doing anything with him
fine ill stop
after tonight ok
ok..im sorry about everything
She's talking to me but maybe she needs some time bro
Ask her what she honestly wants
Yes Sam??
No I didn't leave you I wouldn't do that to you ever
I am I promise ❀️
I'm here I'm not leaving I promise
I'm done talking to him he's gone he left ok he was the only guy I could talk to you weren't on and neither was David
Hey *looks down*
Why does everyone act like they don't want anything to do with me or talk to me it's like everyone is in that mood
Well everyone is doing it to me besides David I understand things are tough but I don't know how to help anymore cuz my help isn't very helpful
Ik bro and I try my best to but then again I'm not like everyone else I have a 3 week old and a 5 year old it's different for others
You try taking care of a 3 week old and a 5 year old it's not easy but Ig you think what you want
....*hears Lexi*
*walks upstairs and gets lexi*