Part 15/20 (idk!!)
I'm a bit upset about the PC Olympics. I only have one person on my team, when I need more.
Rate 1-10 and give feedback for the future!!



▪E-X-P-E-D-I-T-I-O-N▪ Part 15/20 (idk!!) I'm a bit upset about the PC Olympics. I only have one person on my team, when I need more. Rate 1-10 and give feedback for the future!! ©LilLove

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YES! Thank you so much! I need another person, and I was upset about it too. It seemed like everyone else was already on a team. But I would love for you to be on my team! WONDERLUST is going to be on it too if that's okay!
thank you I'm truly flattered but I am going to decline because I dk when i can be on so that would be hard to make a collage by a deadline and also I think I'm not qualified enough to be on you team , you are amazing and I'm not to good. sorry if I disappoint you I just don't think I would be able to do a good job😬, sorry
sure! the other people I asked haven't responded yet so yes sure!
I'm not sure! could you make an account for all of us to chat on and work on collages? I would do it but it requires an email address which u can't use twice. I already used all of mine
I think she said she could do it...but I don't know. it would be great for all of us to know the password, but if that's not possible it's okay
I know... but I really want to😍😉 I'm just such a noob😐😂
{ok I'll be on it but you'll need to help me through it😂😬