I just came out to my girlfriend as trans and we've been speaking about it for ages and she still loves me the same ❤️. I'm still on call now so if you comment hi I'll say hi to her for you 😂


I just came out to my girlfriend as trans and we've been speaking about it for ages and she still loves me the same ❤️. I'm still on call now so if you comment hi I'll say hi to her for you 😂

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Awww cute!!
Are you a girl who wants to be a boy or a boy who wants to be a girl? i mean no offense ! i'm still v confused about trans people
That's stupid I typed Trans ex ual (but altogether) and it said an error occurred so I changed it to trans and now it's working... 😑
Waitt I understand now ❤️ you're beautiful
I'm a boy but I was born a girl so I have a female body but a boys brain
how do u have a musty thing