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u mean with me and the asšhole?
well he was flirting with someone else then he got mad when I confronted him now unfollowed me and I think he created a new account now he is flirting with carly
oh yea I saw that I was like tf ????
well she called him hottie ugh that slút
what's her username?
hold on ill look I wanna b her friend so I can turn on. her
thx boo❤️
his page isn't available anymore
he said he blocked u I think
I can try to move on it isn't a big deal
yea plus u can get any guy I bet u r pretty funny and sweet u should make a collage like 10 facts bout u
yea I should thx ❤️
no problem boo ❤️
it's was pretty funny tho
u had 10 flies?
yea.. 😂😂😂but my big bro always kid them