Collage by rowankhull


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this is mine as well. you can't just take someone else's work & slap your name on it.
So not cool, I'm gonna report u if u don't stop this nonsense
this is very low!!! you don't deserve anything for christmas!! you better hope Miriam doesn't report you!!
DELETE NOW or give credit
You stole this give credit!!!!
I reported this so watch out!
I feel so bad for Miriam
#Stolen ! u can't just take somebody else's work
you know this is such an amazing collage!
...that @MiriamElanDesigns made
this is not ur collage
everyone should be aware not to follow this person # you stole it
at least you should give her the credit ugh
all of us know that this Miriam's collages and she's a great maker of these collages
Hey, yes she stole it yes her name is on it but I am sure she already felt guilt without the rest of the 🌎 criticizing. So yea she needs to stop, that is her decision. And it means that she really likes Miriam's. I might be a little hurt, but take it as a complement.