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Hey I have something I wanna share with at least someone, since I’m VERY Mad right about now..... is it ok if I rant to you for a little bit?
It’s about Kpopforlifeu and the drawing fiasco.
Ok, so remember when she sent me a drawing saying that it was hers? here is the full picture she tried to pull of btw*
And believe me when I tell you that she definitely was trying to pull this off as her own, I found the picture on google when I got suspicious.
Then, yesterday she sent me this.
So now I’m just REALLY MAD that she thought I’m that stupid.... and then she saw what you guys were saying, and everything blew up.
I have reason to believe that she has been making her own hatepages because of the way she reacted when I asked her about it.
Here is my side of the conversation then hers.
nothing is really important besides the fact that I said she might be lying^
Also, everytime that she went to bed, she’d be like, “OmG yoU neED tO gO tO beD tOO!!!” And if I didn’t see freak out on me.
Well I think the attention part is just because of how pitiful she is, like lying about being in the hospital this morning, definitley for attention.
She’s always tryna start something it’s incredibly annoying
This may seem mean, but when she asked me out I didn’t want to say no out of pity, and the fact that she might freak out and do what she’s doing now.
But everyday after I broke up with her she kept getting more and more clingy, so when I blocked her and she still is trying to connect to me through lies, it makes me feel stupid.
Well the fact that she’s fabricating suck a lie... it’s revolting. how did I not notice sooner that she was a ticking time bomb?
Baka sent this to me
Not a chance
This whole time I don’t even think she has a sister and big brother, and for her to be making hatepage in hospitals? woooowww
It’s just insane what’s she’s doing now! I actually started to care about her well being, then she started doing all of this... it’s ridiculous how she’s acting. I’m very sorry. maybe if I didn’t block her things would be different, but I didn’t know what else to do to get her out of my life.
same here...
Oh RIOT She even started following everyone I followed and checking my liked posts for comments by me, that’s how she found out about this post.