All the 6th years are gone. Idek what I'm gonna do without them. I'm so close to so many and I lost contact with a load last year and I don't want that to happen again this year. Ugh why does life hate me?


//tap All the 6th years are gone. Idek what I'm gonna do without them. I'm so close to so many and I lost contact with a load last year and I don't want that to happen again this year. Ugh why does life hate me?

5 0
meh is too! 25? that's hot for Ireland!😂
ya I am!!!💚💚
I love MM so much agh
I've done Zen's, Yoosung's and Seven's route
I um.. I've spent €35 on that game throughout my 3 routes to make sure I got 100% every day and stuff.......
seven, by far
Dublin!!!! hbu?
I love Zen though. Saeran is cool, I just love the Choi Brothers as a whole ngl
only been to Wexford twice!
you ever been to Dublin?😂
d e f i n i t e l y
never been to Galway! I love West Cork!!😂😍💚
everything honestly, it's rlly hard to explain tbh. basically there is a lot of stuff going in my home, my therapist is never available, and i have a crush on my best friend.
(and she doesn't ever have a clue)
I've done it like once! tho I almost drowned!😂😂😂 I usually stick to just swimming!
that sucks :( i one of my friends is also asexual, she feels bad when she knows someone likes her though:/
:( i understand about that depression part. it must be hard
they're one of my favourite bands tbh