There is the real pic of me sorry i can't do it with a specific person because everyone moved away from me and its just my band now, this is the real me fans i love you  so much if u have any questions please respond back i love you, you guys are the best


There is the real pic of me sorry i can't do it with a specific person because everyone moved away from me and its just my band now, this is the real me fans i love you so much if u have any questions please respond back i love you, you guys are the best

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are you the real Taylor swift? If you are I ❤️ so much your music! bad blood is my fav!
hey, stop faking taylor swift. If you were a real swiftie, you would know that Taylor has no sisters. sorry, but I know you are fake. :(. please stop. you can delete this acc and start a new, real one and have lots of followers. you don't have to live off of lies