Collage by XxBabybluexX135


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awwww she’s so cute ☺️
no problem I love kids
I’m sure :)
I work with kids and it’s a lot of fun but sometimes they can be a pain but I still love them
we had this baby yesterday who would cry for no reason like it was so annoying it gave me a headache, but thank god my coworker got her to sleep 😂
yea lol, but sometimes we get really bad kids omg. if your wondering I work at a gym day care where parents drop off there kids while they work out
hahha lol 😂, we get some of craziest kids
yea I’m not Kidding, we have a little girl that comes on and her three front teeth are rotted away
and we have a kid that comes in and he likes to dumped all the toys out of the buckets and dump the bucket of crayons when kids are coloring and he’s one but he does it for attention
So adorable
so pretty