This gif is my favourite thing ever okay bye.


This gif is my favourite thing ever okay bye.

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Who doesn't love this GIF?
can't tell if he's coughing or having an örgásm
^Wow XD
@the_emo_princess Maybe both? O-O
@Emily No one. EVERYONE loves it.
Where's the lie?
Exactly. No. Lie. You know who loves it the most?
Yessss Frank lovesssss.
But how did we get from Frank to Waycest like, we weren't even talking about Mikey. This makes no senseeee
Because everything is Mikey
So Frank is Mikey too
And I'm also just destroying this Frerard moment.
Ehhh I suppose that makes sense now...
It all makes sense.
Of course. It's just logic.
What isn't logic about this?
Nothing. It's all logic. 420% logic and nothing else.
42069% logic. No more anything.
42069212022% logic. Duhhh.
2232013% logic
......I am so, so sorry.
There is no excuse.
Well then...
I'm so sorry.
*Wipes tear* It's fine....Don't worry..About it...
I'm...not crying....
Nope...Not at all...
Gangsters don't cry...therefore, therefore I'm...Mr Misty Eyed...
Therefore I'm...Can you save...Can you save my....Can you save....My broken MCR soullll?
Can you save...can you save my...can you save my crying emo soul? From MCRRRR, from MCRRRRR
Death inspires me like Gerard inspires a break up...
Death inspires me like unicorns inspire a Mikey
Can you save? Can you save Mi, can you save Mikey's fantasy soul?
Can you save? Can you save Mi, can you save Mikey from anti-unicorns?
From disbeliverssss, from disbelieverssss oh, can save Mikey from unicorns?
This is......truly....unique...
We made something....amazing...
So amazing. Mikey would love us...
Because...he loves unicorns so much...
Yeah...So he would also love a song about his love for unicorns...
Sang by people who love him. It's all love here....
And to top it off...Frank kicking Gerard in the balls.
((How come I can say that but not Pėte))
Yes. That is true love right there kicking your partner in the balls yupyup.
((*Sigh* Oh PC...))
Relationship sealed.
((What is the logic))
((PC has no logic.))
Goals af.
Why would you want anyone else
Especially when he randomly attacks your younger brother
Yeah. Who doesn't want that? That's all I ever wanted.
When he kicks you in the balls, then runs up to your brother and kicks him multiple times, you know it's true love.
The best love. No relationship can compare.
Don't even try to beat it.
There's no point. Because you can't beat it.
There is no way, with your peasant relationship, that you can beat Frerard.
Shipping your relationship won't even get you into Gayland so don't even try to convince yourself that it is better than Frerard because it obviously isn't.
Look, the thing is, you're kidding yourself. In what universe is any love truer than Frerard?
I don't know. But whatever universe it is, it doesn't exist, so get over it.
It's all a fantasy.
Just an illusion.
None of it's real.
None! It is just your mind playing tricks.
Give it up.
Yeah. Face the facts.
Unless your relationship is Phan, in which case, carry on.
Yes. Or Kohnnie. Or Jalex. Or any other good ship..
Yeah. Or Andley, Cricky, Fransykes, Kellic, Brusnop, any of the above.
Yeah. That's about it though. Every other ship is nope.
Yeah. Literally everything else is terrible compared to them.
Especially Danrific.
*Chokes* Ew
Don't even
Ugh I know.
Like don't. Danrific is NO.
It's just a big bag of nopity nope and nopes.
Don't even joke about it. I don't know why you'd ship that.
I honestly have no idea.
Just no. Phan or die.
Phan=LASIG Not Phan=BIBH.
Simple as that.
Simple math.
Yeah. It's the time maths will actually be somewhat useful.
Never useful at any other time
Not at all. You never need to know y=mx+c. That's irrelevant.
Why would you even though
You wouldn't even, that's the point.
Exactly. You'll never need to figure that shït out
Yeah. Just pointless. Stop wasting your life doing maths. Jeez.
Just ship.
Yeah. Ship all the ships. That's all you have to do.
Nothing else is relevant
Yeah ships are all you need.
I'm currently listening to Muse and I thought about shipping Matt Bellamy with someone, but I decided against it...