Everyday is a battle to be perfect


Everyday is a battle to be perfect

48 4
stay strong hun bun! x
thanks x
stay strong it gets better thats what they so its all you have to believe and im here to help x πŸ’—πŸ’˜πŸ’Ÿ
thank you xxx
it's ok bare with me.
your belly looks like that ?!?
You are perfect
You always were
You always will be
oh ok x
what's that keep fighting
yeah x
stay strong and remember that you are perfect in an imperfect way. (basically you are imperfectly perfect.) xxxxxx
thank you xxx
everything seems to fall but really it is just getting back again! I am so sorry about that! I can post a silly picture of a dog if that would make you smile!
Stay strong girly!
yeah thank you xxx
stay strong
what happened I'm sorry!!!!!
I starved my self
your so brave how much did you actually eat
I ate a lot in a short period of time then I was sick afterwards. I did that for 4 weeks and then I cut out food. I only ate what I was forced to eat.
why did you not want to eat
what did your family savant do
I meant say or do
because I got bullied. there's this girl that started calling me fat. I then stopped eating an she stated pointing out every bone. I stood up for my self and I told her to leave me alone. sadly I was at the top of the stairs at the time. she pushed me down and I fell down from the 3rd floor to the ground floor. I was rushed to hospital and I was in a coma for 5 months. I don't eat a lot still but I'm recovering from the incident
my dad left when I was 3 so it was just my mum. my mum is ill with fibermiology. it affects her brain so she can't remember things. she is also in a lot I pain everyday. I have to look after my mum.
your inspirational
your life sound harsh don't worry were here for you i know what its like to be bullied there is this girl in my class who is always pushing me in walls the problem is she is my best friend's other beset friend so there is nothing I can do and she keeps try to steel my best friend as well she really upsets me
once she slapped me
really hard
she also tries to turn every one against me and once I caught her spying on my tow besties
yeah, I get that. my best friend has turned against me because of it
I am always here for you xxx
thanks I'm glad to know that
it's ok xxx
luckily for me when she last tried to turn everyone against me everyone was on my side
do you still go to school after the incedent
that is lucky x
last week though we were doing tennis in PE and I really good at it and when she got a really good shot she aimed at me and now I have a very wobbly tooth luckily it was a baby one
I can not believe your best friend just turned against you like that. that I just wrong
yeah x
I am going to get my other account loopydoopy1 to follow you for extra suport
it's not the first time this has happened so I'm alright with it
hi its me loopydoopy1 and I'm following you now
what's it like being in a coma
I'm back as wolfblood101 again
thanks for liking my collages I only created this account today
you are epic
I am with you the hole way πŸ˜—
stay strong you are perfect in every wayxxxx
your name is right always smile
every one is perfect if they are not a bully or meen
yeah x sorry I went to get changed x
when your in a coma you can hear everything around you but you can't wake up or move. you can't see. it's like lying completely still with your eyes closed but listening to everything around you
that sounds strange
I could hear the doctors, I could hear the heart monitor am I could hear people saying that they have given up. I heard my mum telling the nurse to turn the machine off. I could hear the nurse saying have hope.
she was in one for 5months
imagine if they did turn the machine off
wait did your mum want you to die
no, my mum just gave in. there was a high percent change that I would of died. the machine was keeping me alive but my brain started reacting when my blood started to circulate properly
you are so lucky and amazing
yeah thank you xxx
you are also very awesome to me because I want to be a doctor
cool. there's a lot of new study's that should be tested in the next 10 years. if you get into one of them you could create a cure for so many diseases.
what was it like waking up
I will be 20 in ten years so just many I might be able to get involved in one
it was confusing. I knew that I was In a coma as I could hear everything but I could finally feel my body. I wasn't able to open my eyes straight away as the light could damage them
yeah xxx
wow that must have been emotional
it was x
was your mum there
it would have been amazing if your dad had been there
so amazing
sorry I was watching wolf blood
you so fascinating and I bet life is hard for you but your doing great
I'm reading the messages and wow you've been through a lot and by the way your my inspiration now xx
awww thank you x
don't stop believing in yourself
your great
thanks xxx
you are so epic
thanks you xxx
thanks xxx
ok thank you xxx love ya too
love ya xx
love ya xxx
stay strong, don't let anyone get in the way
thank you xxx
is this u
that's sadπŸ˜–
I know, I'm getting better
slowly or quickly
"you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it"
Stay strobe I know everyone says this but your are real not prefect be glad
Strong I mean
you can be so strong. God put you here for a reason so don't believe the haters on pic collage.
Xxx Xxx XxxπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
ill prey for ya
thank you xxx
we will pray for you πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŒ·πŸ‰πŸŽ€πŸ’—πŸ’“πŸ’–β€οΈ
you are a beautiful person and your heart is very kind
thank you xxx
OMG IM PRAYING FOR U !! be strong don't let anyone bring u down!!😊 be who u are don't change ur AMAZING self!!😘😘😘
I am praying for you!!!!😭😭😭😭😭 God loves you!!!
thank you xxx
our epic
thanks xxx
i luv u and ur an ordinary and amazing human to mee!!! xxxxxxxxxx
so true crazycrayme
You are a beautiful person! Just be who you are!
were are u