Wassup, I got a hair cut


Wassup, I got a hair cut

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thanks sm!!! we love u! //me and hann
love y'all to!!
❤️-runs and hugs ur leg- hewo //hann
*smiles at her* well hey there cutie
mesh missed yoo *puts her arms up for u to pick her up*
I missed you also! *picks her up*
-kisses ur nose-
*smiles* how have you been cutie
mesh miss dada -pouts-
he should be back soon!
-pouts- he says tht lwast time and hims didnt come see mesh
I promise sweetie
otay. -smiles-
guess what!
what! -is excited-
your dad is here *smiles*
welly?!? where is him? -is excited-
yes, but I need to speak to your mom first okay?
otay! -is excited- //Hann. hey...-takes a deep breath- //me
hey.. Dakota is really really upset..
a-about wht....
his mom..
wht happened to his Mom?
he told his mom finally that he was depressed and she kicked him out the house but I talked to his mom to actually make sure it was true at it is.. he's with me rnn
...now i feel bad for needing him so much😔
no, don't you wanna speak with him?
im scared....
don't be, you'll be okay I promise.
-takes a deep breath- o-ok
alright, here he is.
hi :/ *looks down*
h-hey -looks away-
I'm s-sorry.. *keeps looking down and trys not to tear up *
-shakes my head and tears fall- its f-fine. -tries to take my iv's out- i-im fine.
it's my fault.. shoulda never told anyone, I shoulda been here, I'm a fûck up, I'm a dumb aśs, I'm a screw up.. *looks over and stops you*
-screams- no! -pulls them out and tries to hug u-
*hugs you and starts to cry a bit* but I am babe... I ruin everything
its ok -cries and starts to pass out a little-
*puts them back in* don't do that
but...i cant hold u with them in. -starts to panic- there are to many wires on me. -pulls at them and cries- i wanna go home
babe stop!! I'm right here don't worry *tries to stop you*
-lays back and cries-
look *holds your hand* I'm right here
-holds u hand and my hand is alot bonnier and smaller then normal and pulls my hand back- i um...
what *pulls your hand back *
-sighs- my hands....me....even Hann noticed a difference...
what's this *concerned*
i...um...i've lost alot of weight being n here....i dont really eat anymore...idk the last time i actually ate. -looks at my hands-
you need to eat!!
-shakes my head- im not hungry. i jus wanna go home so i can take care of u and Hann and b a Mommy again
I know but it's important to eat.. do it for me and hann please. *holds your hand*
-sighs- i try...i jus cant...im not hungry
at least eat a little bit
i cant...
fine. -eats a little- can i go home now?
I'll talk to the nurse..
*talks to nurseI