"I'm sorry for your loss xp"


"I'm sorry for your loss xp"

17 0
I saw you he friends that I used to have when I walked into the school :(
(I sorry I messed up on spelling*
It's okay.
One of me was about to walk about me, but I walked fast into the building cause I didn't feel like talking
My cousin came in with me
do u want an icon? Fill in the icon sheet I my account!
thanks you! and sure I'll enter when it's up 😀
Keely, I wanna announce the winner of the contest today cause of the number of entry (2)
Maybe more people will enter.
People hardly even join my contests, the last time I did a contest no one joined :(
Oh :/
I don't see why people on PC don't like what I do anymore, they used be crazy about the post :(
Well you have a lot of followers but not as many likes. If I were you, I'd make a new account.
I really just wanna figure out why this is happening :(
Idk, Princess.
It makes me sad😔
Aw <3
Keely, I'm not good at making posts😔
I think you are.
Yes <3
Keely, you're the best girlfriend ever
You are, Kate.
We both are
Keely, my pill for depression isn't working
I'm sad about going back to school and riding the bus again
I'm also worried about some of my classes :(
I am too, Princess.
I'm literally cry rn cause of it
Ik, Princess. No one likes it.
Can you hold me and calm me down plz😔
*Holds you* Princess, it'll be over soon.
*Rests head on your chest* Yea
*Strokes your hair* Ily.
*Cuddles and smiles* Ily2
*Smiles and rubs my head on your chest*
*Lifts you up*
*Smiles bigs and blushes hard*
*Puts you on my lap*
*Looks down, smiles and blushes hard*
*Kisses back*
*Rubs your back*
*Smiles big and French kisses*
*French kisses*
*French kisses*
*Smiles and turns on some P!ATD music*
*Pulls you forward onto me*
*Holds you close*
*Smiles* Lets get this two heart beating faster faster
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat
Dance to this beat, dance to this beat
*Smiles big* Ily
A got a better fxck than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you have me
Lol <3
Tonight we are Victorious champagne pouring over us
*Smiles and strokes your hair*
Alright alright, it's a hêll of feeling though
Champagne, cocàin, gasoline, and most thing in between
I've been listening to P!ATD so much that I can memorize some of the lyric to their ants :)
For some reason there's some songs I can listen to and I memorize a sentence of the so just be listening it once
Oh :)
I think P!ATD is becoming my new fav band :)
Wow. I didn't think you liked them that much. They're one of my favourite bands too.
Have you decided on a favourite song?
It's hard to choose my fav song :)
Lol yeah.
How's your summer❤️
I'm just inside all the time.
Yeah :/
There's a lot of creeps in my neighborhood
x3 Oh.
When I used to go to the park, I would get stalked by people in their cars
I think also scared people by the music I listened too
I probably got stalked cause I'm fabulous *Flips hair* (You're more fabulous though❤️)
*Holds you in my arms*
*Kisses chest*
*Holds you closer*
*Keeps kissing your chest*
Do you like that
*Blushes. Nods*
*Smiles and hugs*
Keely, should dress up as something sexy when we're living together
Only if you want me too
Yes, I'd love that.
Ok, I'll do it❤️
Should I sit on your lap also
Yes, Kate <3
I'll lay you down first❤️
Then I'll do a dance for you
You'll enjoy it so much😍
Yeah, I will.
How long should I dance for you
Long time.
With or without music
How'll you dress?
Without clothes on❤️
Alright :) <3
If that's ok with you❤️
I'll do it then❤️
My summer went by quick :(
Yeah, mine's going pretty quick too.
Keely, should I continue my contest since I don't have many entries.
*even though
Your choice, Princess.
Yea I'm online, I'm sad, I'll still talk though
You don't have to. Why're you sad?
I'll still talk. I'm sad cause I enjoy making a contest but people hardly ever join😔
Aw, Princess, like I said, I think it's because most of your followers are inactive.
I wish I was good like you❤️
What do you mean?
You're amazing at everything❤️
I look up to you and you're page inspires me❤️
You are too, Kate.
Princess, have you read my newest post?
Ty, Princess.
Can I have a picture, Princess?
Can you calm me by kiss my neck plz
Yes, Princess but what's wrong?
I posted it, but it's really nothing that I should be sad about I think
*Holds you* It's so small you shouldn't get upset about it.
*Rest head on your chest* Ik
I just imagine getting one of those goal become real before my birthday
*Lays head on your lap*
*Strokes your hair*
You're so beautiful.
You're so so beyond sexy af
Lay on me plz❤️
*Lays on top*
*Kisses* Was that you who made me a fanpage❤️
I didn't know you had a fan page <3 I'll follow it.
I just got it❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
What's it called?
I followed it ^_^
Omg, I wanna know who made it😄
Aww ^_^
Can you help me find out who did it😄
Was it you❤️
No. I'll ask if they have a main account but rn I'm working on a collage. Ask them ^_^
I'm having pizza for dinner :)
Cool ^_^
Keely, I'm pretty sure it's you, cause the person said "It's a mystery ;)"
It's honestly not, Princess.
I wonder who it is :)
Me too. I'm glad you got one ^_^
*French kisses*
*French kisses*
I'm gonna go now. I've got to see the doctor again tomorrow.
Night, Princess <3
Night, My queen❤️