Collage by lovers-


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thank you ava 😌
why Ava? :)
but you are special? x *smiles as I look down at you, my head tilted*
*smiles and looks down at you, blushing softly* I have your picture hung up!
*smiles and takes your hand, leading you to show you*
I saw that you missed me? ❤️
miss me no longer :) *smiles as I nod at the wall to show you the drawing*
you really did :) *smiles as I rub the front of my neck*
I- hey! *laughs as I look at you* hyper today?
*smiles and rolls my eyes softly* need some tea to relax?
no? how about some lemonade :)
*smiles as I grab you a glass*
here you go? :) *smiles as I hand it to you*
it’s pretty good hm? made it myself :)
I agree? *smiles as I sit on my bed, manspreading*
*yawns softly and smiles* what? :)
mind telling me? *smiles in a bit of confusion*
*smiles and nods my head, raising my hands* up to you?
*smiles and tilts my head* hm :)
*smiles and listens intently*
is this your own song? *smiles*
I have listened to a bit of her Music actually :) she hasn’t made music in a long time. but you have a beautiful voice :)
*sighs and smiles softly, hugging my knee to my chest* you’re welcome :)
*smiles and shrugs my shoulders* so so? I still feel lonely from when my, I don’t know crush, wasn’t on here. still feel that loneliness
hmmm.. why don’t we bake?
show me the way :)
hey Ava! sorry I didn’t see your comment :)
is everything okay?
are you sure?..
what’s wrong? :(
is your dad okay?
come here? *frowns and opens my arms*
do you want a hug? :(
pwease ? *raises my eyebrows and hugs you*
isn’t that little talk? *smiles as I hug you*
my notifs aren’t showing when you comment- it’s a bit odd
what did she say?