school starts tmrw kill me 

I dont want to see him ugh


school starts tmrw kill me I dont want to see him ugh

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nuu school ;-; good luck ^^
OMIGOD Lel this is like meh favorite Vocaloid horror songs besides Willows of Hysteria
she went on private ;-; I can't tell you a lot more, but I can say I'm really really really sad that she's gone 😭😭😭
I think she went on private yesterday
it does?! GOOD LUCK. mine starts on the 16th or 18th I think lmaΓΈ
she says she's been distancing herself from PC, it seems like no one really cares about her anymore, and she's focusing on school for a bit. last time I talked with her, she didn't seem too angry or depressed or negative though
my first day of high school is starting in 2 weeks. ;0;
Imma going to the big leagues but 😭🐰 Bunni isn't readyyyyyy
who dun you want to see??
°^° I pick up my schedule tomorrow, from the big bad scary high school of dooooooooom ⚑️
every guy ruins my life XD
reminds me of when my crush guy friend got a gf πŸ˜…
πŸŒ€oπŸŒ€ I'm gonna have to activate sUPER WIZARD BUNNI POWERRRRRR
Meh... I'm pretty sure he liked me but when my friends heckled me for liking him in front of him ... I refused .... so it discouraged him and he started dating his best girl friend so now I'm sad -_-
wat magical wizard spells do you want da magical wizard Bunni to do for you πŸŒ€wπŸŒ€
*feeds you magic carrots*
ur cured πŸŽ‰
OH NU >^<
mine starts in a few weeks