Collage by sadiknow


2 27
ari ffs get off private
ugh I’m done with this
come find me when you properly know what you want. till then I’m gone
you don’t need to go on private over a hate page you’re better than that
If she weren’t a fake friends, backstabber or having sèx with ppl she knows she’ll hurt then she wouldn’t be getting these HatePages
She’s nothing but a liar and she is so Two-Faced
She deserves nothing great in this world
You were stalking conversations between Leanne and Daniel
Otherwise you wouldn’t have said “Did you tell Leanne about what happened because I wouldn’t appreciate that. I’m not friends with her”
just ignore it
Why are you stalking other people conversation. Doesn’t seem to give me a wrong for stalking the PATHETIC shįt that you Do
^ OMG get a life
^ You get a life. You’re trying to have sêx on an app by ROLEPLAYING
ri you’re just encouraging them if you show them it’s bothering you
You’re so Jobless
^ and you’re watching ??
There’s a thing called the REAl world where you don’t have to ROLEPLAY on an ARTS app
and I haven’t had sêx here but sure
^^ Nope. You spilled the beans in her comments
Be careful she might be fùcking other guys and you wouldn’t have a CLUE 😉