Collage by _The_Selection_


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Princess Brooke smiles and so does Prince Micheal. “Welcome”
Tamara smiles and curtsies.
“It is an honor, your majesties. I’m Tamara, of [insert Province here],” Tamara said, then giggled because she was doing an over exaggerated formal voice.
Nicholas smiles. “Nice to meet you Tamara.”
“So... do we have to be all formal and stuff? I mean, I have a reputation of course, but sometimes it’s good to just act... normal? If that’s the word,” Tamara says.
Nicholas shakes his head. “No just be your self Tamara.”
“Okay, thanks,” she said. “So, what does a handsome Prince like you do for fun?” she asks.
“Well I paint and horse backside. How about you?” Nicholas asks.
“I sing and play guitar and ukulele. I also paint and draw and design and stuff. I love the arts,” Tamara said.