Collage by smiley_bunny_


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I'm in Edmonton with my grandparent and I'm bored
isn't it so good are you watching it on Netflix?
yup I was so bored and I got Netflix now I'm on it all day
here theirs no wifi I'm sitting in a corner cause that's the ink spot you can get wifi
I'm done all the seasons I'm waiting for the next seasons to come on
which part are you finished tell
are you done your math homework?
I on the first season the 12th eposide I started on Monday and I'm also done all my homework except one thing
oh I have the textbook questions and one other thing
k gotta go bye ttyl actually going to start the textbook questions
oh and I watch switched at birth I'm waiting for the next season to come on and I Also watch the fosters
sorry I was gone to a movie couldn't talk to you at 10 just seen that now