No such thing as clothes in heaven


No such thing as clothes in heaven

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and that's where I'm planning on going when I die
ŵtf is wrong with ya I've seen ur acc I'm ŵtf
oh sorry you self centred bítch, not everything is about you. this acc isn't to stop or change you. it's to protect people and give them support when people like YOU hurt them
and don't bother blocking me, I have at least 10 other accounts I can find you with
I think you'll find that your "point" is hurting a lot of ppl in the LGBTQ+ community
did your parents teach you that LGBTQ+ is wrong?
did they tell you that it's a choice? bc it isn't a choice
okay so what's so wrong with LGBTQ+
do u seriously think ppl would choose to be LGBTQ+ when a majority of them get bullied/teased for it?
it's not a choice. it's how you're born
dam im not really a christian but i know alot about it and your "beliefs" are very wrong
well you ever thought your parents might be wrong you have your own opinions you don have to believe theirs
You should go talk to one of my friends her bame is Splash_Of_Color when she gets on shell help you
cause it's how your brain works or something. there's also some research that shows that it could possibly be genetic
Its not disobeying them its believing what you want to just relize that there wrong but dont disresecpt them
seriously tho, do some research about it cause it's always good to find out more. it may or may not change ur opinion and either way I don't care tbh but anyway it's pretty interesting
idk talk to my friend im not smart enough to explain to you
it's okay I get that it's hard when your parents are telling you one thing and then there's other people telling you different
OMG like hit you or something????
oh god
r u safe at home as long as you do this?
Look tell somebody... NOW
^ tell someone!
Plz tell somebody this is not right they cant force you to do anything
Do you go to school?
if you do tell a teacher the principle
or the counseler
do you have friends?
r u on an iPad rn? or a tablet of some type?
you can get an email then
r u in the uk?
ok set up a new email acc and email the address I remixed you about your situation with ur parents
ok talk later. if I don't reply I'm probably signed into my other acc dyingontheinside_extras
Dying is easy, living is harder. Ever heard people tell you not to take the easy way out? Here's where it applies.